"Whoa, what's with this guy?" Lance interjected.

"Yeah he's playing us against ourselves." Pidge added on in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Lotor set us up back on Puig so this has to be him, this guy's quite manipulative" you stated, a hint of venom seeping into your serious voice. You let out an annoyed sigh before you continued.

"This is why I said this was a bad idea earlier Keith. If we continue fighting him like this we'll just end up beating ourselves up in the process. If you want to take Lotor down we'll need an actual plan and some time to prepare."

"The more time we wait the more time he has to prepare for us" he fired back, your heart stinging and your anger intensifying as he immediately dismissed what you said. Why wouldn't he just listen to you for once? "We need to end his reign right now."

"Ow" Hunk winced in pain, momentarily jerking your attention away from Keith. "Allura, you okay over there?"

"I'm fine" she replied, trying her best to stay collected. She began to struggle with that as she continued. "But these controls are not responding, not like the castle. What's wrong with you lion? Do as I command, move!"

"Maybe someone should suggest to Allura that flying the lion is different than flying the castle" Pidge remarked, her matter-of-fact voice a tad hesitant.

"Hey I already told her yelling at her lion wouldn't work" Lance remarked, a glimmer of fear in his voice. "Didn't go over well, she yelled at me too."

"Yeah, count me out" Hunk added on nervously. "She's just like (Y/n), they're when they're under pressure."

"We can here you" you and Allura stated coldly in unison, causing all three of them to scream. You didn't mean to be that rude but Keith was just really irritating you at the moment and the last thing you needed was their comments about you.

"Keith, what should we do?" you asked him, struggling to sound collected.

"How about this? Everyone stay out of my way" he roared. At this you were practically fuming with anger, he didn't give one quiznak about you and the others! Nevertheless you suppressed your anger, remembering that you needed to stay strong.

"Great. Great leadership." Lance scoffed scarcastically.

"I'm annoyed too Lance but this isn't the time for that, we have to focus" you replied, reminding him of the situation at hand. You began to follow Keith as he continued to chase after Lotor. The both of you tried to shoot at him but before you could land a hit on him he looped around once more. You grunted as he attacked from behind, landing several hits on you and Keith.

"Okay this isn't working" he remarked, a hint of anger in his stoic voice. "We need to form voltron. Everyone! In formation!" And with that you all regrouped, beginning to fly upwards. You were starting to feel a tad hopeful since voltron could easily take out that cusier, but that hope soon vanished.

It had been several seconds and you hadn't seen the 'form voltron' button appear on your screen. A shiver ran up your spine, something was definitely wrong here. Had Keith caused so much discord that you weren't able to form voltron?

"Uh guys?" Hunk nervously stammered. "Guys I'm not really feeling that voltron feeling." Keith let out a frustrated groan in response to the situation.

"(Y/n), why haven't we formed voltron yet?" he asked, his voice taking a slightly accusing tone as if it was somehow your fault.

"I don't know, the button hasn't appeared" you replied. You were so angry with him that you could barely surpress it anymore. "Maybe it's because our team's divided, a certain leader isn't listening to us!"

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