"You can thank our hot headed leader for that one" Lance jeered, causing you to silently nod in agreement.

"First you want me to lead and then you complain about how I do it" Keith remarked, exasperated. "Prince Lotor is the heir to the Galra throne, we could end his reign right now." You took yet another deep breath after hearing this, trying to collect yourself before you said,

"Keith, I understand why you'd want to go after him like this, but you need to think about the team."

"Yeah, Allura, are you doing okay in blue?" Lance added on, a tad concerned.

"I'm fine, I've been flying the castle for half my life" she responded in a matter of fact tone, obviously more frustrated than she was letting on. "I just need a few ticks to adjust to the lion."

"Good, because we're going in" Keith concluded as Lotor's sleek cruiser came into view ahead. A few minutes passed as you all waited for Keith to fire a command. "I'm detecting movement."

"So much for the element of surprise" Lance groaned. And sure enough, a sleek, sophisticated fighter jet that had the design of the cruiser emerged from the ship, which was a bit larger than the regular ones.

"It's just a single fighter, where's the rest of them?" Pidge added on, her thoughtful voice a tad puzzled.

"Probably scrambling as we speak, let's take it out" Keith instructed as he led the charge towards it. While he was doing so, Lance suddenly boosted forwards and rammed into him from underneath, causing him to grunt as he got knocked out of the way. While this happened you and the others continued flying straight to catch up to the two of them.

"Lance, what are you doing?" Keith exclaimed, venom seeping into his serious voice.

"Sorry, red here is a lot faster than I'm used to" Lance replied apologetically. His tone became slightly nervous as he continued, noticing that the fighter was nowhere in sight. "Um, where'd that fighter go?"

Within a matter of seconds the fighter had looped around and began to shoot at Keith from the other side, chasing after him. Keith tried to swerve and zig zag to get him off his tail, but to no avail. You had to hand it to them, whoever was piloting that fighter was an amazing pilot.

"Come on, move!" Keith ordered, clearly frustrated with his lion. He groaned as the fighter landed several more hits on him. "I can't shake him, somebody get this guy off of my tail."

"Coming in on your six" you said, struggling to stay calm as you, Pidge, and Allura charged towards the fighter. Once he was in range, you shot your jaw cannon at him, which he barrel rolled around with ease. He effortlessly dodged Pidge's attack and even flew around Keith as Allura shot at him, causing her to hit him instead. Man this guy was manipulative! Keith groaned in response.

"Allura!" he yelled, his harsh tone only making you angrier with him.

"I'm sorry Keith!" she replied, her usual sweet and serene voice a tad jittery and frantic.

"Seriously, does this thing have brakes?" Lance remarked anxiously as he flew ahead of Keith, struggling to control his lion. Then the fighter did another loop, shooting Keith from behind. You all groaned as the fighter continued to attack you, not even giving you a chance to breathe. You tried to dodge and go on the offensive, but he was too fast for you.

Allura began to chase after at him, firing shots at him with her jaw cannon which he dodged with ease. While she was pursuing him, he suddenly flew away, causing her to come face to face with Hunk instead.

"Allura! Allura!" Hunk yelled in a panicked voice, trying to get her to stop. But it was too late, seconds later they screamed in pain as they rammed into each other.

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