"I got into an accident and I woke up in this place," I averted my eyes from him. It would make it worse for me to tell him this while looking him in the eye. "... Lei Shu and Hua Er were the two people who found me. I told them my story, and they told me that Lan Yun was in the Palace who also had the same problem as me."

      My lips were trembling while I spoke now. I almost choked up on my words. "T-Then, I came here. I didn't know anything about the harem and I had to toughen myself up. Lan Yun and I both wanted to go home, so he found a recipe dated a while back... It showed us how to get home."

      Tears were forming already. Nothing I could do would prevent me from crying. All I could do is sit there and tell my story and brace myself for judgement. The Emperor was silent through everything I said, and I was afraid this was truly it. This was when I would lose him forever.

      However, I continued onwards. I had to tell him the truth no matter what. He was listening intently even with the tears running down my face.

      "... I-I didn't know I'd end up as the Empress but I did... One of the ingredients in the recipe that I had to use was a strand of hair from an at least three-month reigning empress," I spoke softer this time. "I was planning to get it from the late empress, but... of course it didn't turn out right. I didn't mean to hurt you, Your Majesty"—I quickly paused to try and collect myself but I couldn't—"I-I just wanted to go home."

      When I looked up at the Emperor, he was still staring at me. His eyes were piercing while he was in thought. But I pressed on. "It wasn't supposed to be like this... but I apologize for leading you on... I felt guilty when you made me 'Empress', even when I expressed that I didn't love you."

      "I thought," I sniffed. "How kind... How considerate... How great of a man to do this for me... And I"—I looked up at him again—"I feel so... guilty, Your Majesty. I feel like I betrayed you. I feel like I am a traitor and I want to let you know that... you impacted me a lot." 

       My tears were rolling down quickly and I lost it. I burst into tears, bawling my eyes out in front of the Emperor. My chin was quivering as I tried my best to keep myself from embarrassing myself even more, but it didn't work. 

      However, I continued to speak.

      I looked away from him. "I'm not from here, and I want to go home, Your Majesty. But before I leave, I just want to say that you are the greatest emperor I've ever seen. I've studied the history of Imperial China for a little bit on my own, but I have to say that you are by far the best one I know."

      "And... I-I don't know what else to say," I cleared my throat. "There's nothing else to say... I just... I'm from the future and I want to go home? I slightly manipulated you and now I have everything I need to go home..."

      The Emperor slowly moved closer. "Ying Yue..."

      I couldn't let him speak. I had to continue. It was the right thing to do. I had to tell him the truth and I had to apologize to him. No matter what, I had to.

      "So now I'm apologizing to you right now. I don't blame you if you don't forgive me but... I hope you the best... sincerely. I know. I lied. I'm not from here and—" I began.

      "Ying Yue," the Emperor interrupted sharply. 

     My heart almost stopped at the tone. He was less gentle this time, and I didn't want him to lose his patience. I slowly raised my head to face him. "Yes, Your Majesty?"

      He sighed. I didn't expect him to look at me like that. He looked the same as he did before I spilled the beans. He stared at me with a straight face. Not even a slight surprise... Not even a laugh. 

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