5. The world is a stage and I don't want to be on it.

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The world is a stage and I don't want to be on it.

I'm not tryna be your part time lover
Sign me up for that full time, I'm yours, all yours
-What A Man Gotta Do
Jonas Brothers

I FELT light on my eyes and my eyes tightened to get rid of it.

Realising it wasn't going anywhere I opened one eye to look around for the source.

It was them.

The paragliding windows.

I opened both my eyes and squinted at the window trying to make it go dark by my glare. After failing for like two minutes, I decided to get up when I realised that I have something on my back.

Oh. No no.

We didn't.

I picked my head up and looked at the beautiful man beside me. His brown hair ruffled and golden where the light hit them. His eyes closed with long eyelashes most women would envy and sell their soul for. His lips looked soft and I felt like doing things to them that might come under necrophilia.

I blinked as I shook dirty thoughts out of my mind.

Slowly I peeled myself off his hold, he had his arm around my torso. And man, he held on to me like I would run away if he didn't.

After successfully freeing myself, I decided to celebrate my newfound freedom with coffee.

I mean, of course.

I made my way to the kitchen, now successfully familiar with the house. I did the same thing I did here the other day.

Except I was a stranger then and now I was not.

What were we? Friends? Well, we did watch a couple of episodes of friends. But that doesn't mean anything. Strangers could watch friends. Yeah?

Oh god. We just slept together. I mean I was pretty sure we didn't do anything other than that. But still, strangers don't sleep on the same beds.

Yeah. Yeah, that's true.

Does couch count?

But then I don't think it's normal for friends to sleep together as well. I mean, unless they are clueless or stupid.

So what are we?

Ugh. My head is hurting.

I looked at nachos and chilli dip from the previous night at the counter and helped myself for some nachos. Man, he makes a mean dip.

I mean I could use this thing for ten different dishes and still want more.

I lick my fingers off the dip as I heard a loud yawn.

"You've got good manners." I said dryly. I looked at Ray walking towards me in a black shirt and grey checked trousers and brown messy hair.

He rubbed his eyes and squinted at me.

He looked kinda appealing if you ask me, and he just woke up. I mean I probably looked like a lanky deer on coke or something.

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