We're soarin', flyin'...

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I don't own One Piece. If I did, Jonathan would be a cannon character.


"Nami..." you moaned as yet another large throbbing bump formed on your head, "Why?"

She growled, "It's punishment for not telling me that they were going to confiscate my treasure!"

"Was it not obvious that was going to happen though?" hummed Robin as she sipped her coffee.


"Honestly I feel that we should just be grateful that we are all alive and on the Merry," Mello sighed. "Even if we ARE still inside Navarone."

Scowling, you rubbed your head, "Damn straight. Especially since it took so much effort to actually get out of that awful situation."

You were lucky that Robin managed to scrounge up some information while she was posing as a visiting Marine inspector. Thanks to her, Nami had successfully hidden Merry in an abandoned dock. For the time being at least.

There was a tug on your jacket, "Big Sis (y/n), I was really scary wasn't I? I made them think that I was taking Nami hostage...right?"

"You did great, Chopper." You droned, patting him on the head, "You make a very convincing kidnapper."


"Is that really something to be proud of..."

"Well," Usopp coughed, rolling his eyes, "What're we gonna do now, Nami?"

"It's not too late," Zoro grimaced, "We should return to the sea-gate and head for open water."

"These guys aren't playing around. It sucks about the gold, but we have to worry about our lives first."

Which was smart, wasn't it? That seemed like the right thing to do, on the surface at least. But for some reason it felt off to you. The crew needed that money or...

Or what?

Chopper cocked his head, "Luffy, what do you think?"

"I want the gold. But..." he moaned, throwing his hands into the air, "I'M HUNGRY! Sanji, feed me!"

The cook chuckled and got to his feet, "I'll scavenge some ingredients and see what I can do."

"But they took everything out of the storeroom!"

"If I look, there'll be something left. The fridge and (y/n)-chan's alcohol stores seem to have been left untouched."

Great news, sure. You were so glad that your beloved alcohol was still there, but it was still a little odd. Glancing over the shelves, it was clear that most of Sanji's ingredients had been confiscated. But not the booze? You would have thought that definitely would have been taken.

A tiny voice inside wondered if it might have been Smoker's doing, but you silenced it. You'd made your amends, but the fact remained that you were still a pirate. Why would he risk that for you.

Nami narrowed her eyes, "Are you guys really okay with leaving the gold behind and escaping?"

Chopper, Luffy, Usopp, and Zoro nodded their heads furiously.

"Oh? That's a shame." Nami sighed, not doing anything to hide that devilish grin, "Pirates always divide up their treasure equally."

If you were drinking anything right then, you had no doubt that it would have been sprayed all over the place.

"Any idea of that girl dividing gold equally is preposterous."

"First, I'm taking 80% for my savings."

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