Ground Control to Fairy Vearth

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I don't own One Piece. If I did, I would own the Maxim and fly about wherever I could.


"Uuuuuuuuuuh..." you groaned, "Damn that Eneru..."

"Oh thank Kronos, you're finally awake!"

Blinking heavily, you tried to rub the sleep out of your eyes. But...


You couldn't move. It was as if your limbs were trapped in something...golden?

"It is gold. Most of this ship is made of it."

"Ship?" You craned forwards, thankful that Eneru (since come was probably Eneru) had only thought to restrain your arms and legs. It was hard to tell in the grim darkness, but it seemed like you were bound pretty high up in the middle of some sort of symbol.

"Yes, the Arc Maxim is what the fake god called it. I believe that we are situated on the forehead of a face he carved using the heat from his electricity."

"I see," you hummed. Now that the grogginess was fading you could just about make out a wooden deck riddled with weird little protrusions you couldn't quite make out. "How exactly do you know all this, Mello?"

He chuckled, "Eneru, it seems, is a big fan of narrating his grand plans in front of people who cannot respond."

"Makes life easier for us," you snorted derisively, trying to crane your neck past what you assumed was the face's nose, "So where is that asshole?"

"He secured us to the forehead about 13 minutes ago, and then left saying that he was needed for the grand showdown."

"I see..." You tried to yank your hand out, to no avail. It was as if you had been fitted with a second skin. No leeway whatsoever. "We should probably get out of this before he comes back."

"Agreed. We should get as far from here as we possibly can."

"But how..." Your toes twitched. Eyes widening, you glanced down at your feet. You smirked, raising one bare foot out of your boot experimentally and twiddling your toes in the crisp air, "At least Eneru was kind enough to only bind my shoes."

Mello snorted, "He most likely thought that since we were so high up, we would prefer to keep our feet on some sort of support rather than letting ourselves dangle by just our arms."

"How nice of him." You slid your foot back. Really, you were glad that he had. The forehead was angled slightly downwards, so if he'd just secured your arms there might have been a chance for your shoulders to dislocate. At least now you knew you could get your feet out. Now was the harder part, "What about the arms?" Your fingers were curled, the gold coating every crevice. Unless you tore off your skin...

"Not a chance."

Well, that was out of the question then. "So, you got any ideas?"

"Hmm... I think I just might."

"And? Don't keep me in suspense."

"Please, Missy. Not now." He sighed, while you snorted, "I was thinking about what Dr Chopper said about the 'tattoo' really being a large blood vessel."

"Okay...? What about it?"

"Perhaps it isn't so much a blood vessel than a blood reserve that is used to fuel Kronos."

A pause.

"I don't get it."

He sighed again, "Really, Missy, I worry about your intellect sometimes."

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