A new little brother?

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"BIG SIS (y/n)!"

Blinking open heavy eyelids, you slowly sat up from the cot, "Huh? Big...sis...(y/n)?"

A brown ball of fluff catapulted itself into your face, "SAVE MEEEEEEEE!"

"Gwah...Is that you Chopper?" Detaching the bipedal reindeer from your face, you stared at him until the stars left your vision.

'My head...I get that my body isn't affected by normal anesthetics, but hell. What did that damn doctor give me? '


'Oh...' Glancing at Chopper trembling on your lap, your eyes widened, "Hang on, save you from what."

Your head flipped towards a loud crash which...sounded like someone...or something...had just run into the wall...



You blinked, "Ah."

"HUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAH!" Luffy, minus his trademark hat, and Sanji sprinted through the narrow door. Or at least, they attempted to. Unless getting stuck in the door and grappling with each other frantically was their plan, in which case they were doing that just fine.

"Oi Sanji, you're in the way!"

"I was here first, you dumbass!

Halfway through shoving his hand in Sanji's face, Luffy glanced up to finally register you. He raised an eyebrow, "Oi (y/n)? What're you doing here? I thought you stayed behind."

"(y/n)-chan?!" Sanji kicked the hand away, face lighting up at the sight of you, "Were you so worried about your handsome knight that you followed me up here, mademoiselle~?"

Amidst the tangled limbs, you couldn't help but notice how both their bodies were covered with layers of white bandages. Your brow twitched, before you gave an exaggerated pout, "Well damn, you saw right through me, Flirty."

His grin widened goofily, "Really?!"

'Now I can be really really mean here...'

"Just let him have his moment. This is probably the first time his affections have been reciprocated after all, even if it was laced with sarcasm."

'Ouch, that's cold... But I guess you have a point. I don't think he'll take me saying that Luffy is my 'handsome knight' well.'

"Why would you ever think that..."

'You were saying about sarcasm?'

Luffy took advantage of Sanji's moment of weakness, placing a hand in the cook's chest to shoot himself forwards. He landed as a crumpled mess on top of the cot in front of you grinning wildly, "You caught the meat! Awesome, now gimme!" Drool pouring out of his mouth, he stretched his arms towards you.

Chopper squeaked.

"HEY YOU BASTARD, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Sanji stormed in, dusting debris off his shoulder, "ME AND (y/n)-CHWAN WERE HAVING A MOMENT!"

Giggling, you flicked Luffy's head, scooping Chopper to the side, "You can't eat him, Cap."

"THAT'S RIGHT!" The reindeer snapped, "SO DON'T EVEN TRY!"

"Wait..." Luffy's jaw dropped, "YOU CAN TALK?!"

Sanji froze mid step. "Oh yeah..." he mumbled, "and it was walking upright..."

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