Mysterious Girl

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"This is so cool!" Chopper's eyes glistened as he sat by the figure head, drum island now far behind, "The ocean is huge!"

Luffy giggled, "Course it is! Having adventures on a huge ocean is what being a pirate's all about!"

Nami grinned, "I guess that we didn't really need to worry about him fitting in."

"I'm pretty certain it's just going to be us, considering how much partying he did last night," you huffed, crossing your arms, "You have no idea how stressful it was making sure that he didn't drink any alcohol. Especially when idiotic swordsmen are trying to get him drunk!"

Zoro scowled, "He's a pirate. What sorta pirate doesn't enjoy their booze?"

"He's underage. He can't drink!" You glared at him. "Chopper looks up to me as his older sister-"

"Which is a really stupid idea by the way. Also," He raised his finger declaratively, "it's good life experience. I first got drunk when I was-"


Vivi smiled peacefully down at Zoro's twitching form as she dusted off her hands.

You blinked.

She beamed, "I'm tired, worried out of my mind for my people, physically exhausted from your training regime and I am this close," A tiny gap remained between her fingers, "to getting a migraine. Not to mention Mr Bushido's pig headed attitude was grating to say the least. Besides, I've been meaning to pay him back for a while for letting Carue follow him into that river." Her face fell at your surprised expression, "Oh I'm sorry, did you want to hit him?"

You waved your hand, "Nah, that was satisfying enough..."

'Remind me not to piss her off on a bad day...'

"I'll do everything within our power to make sure that does NOT happen..."

The recently thawed out duck hammered his beak at Zoro's head, before glancing up as a shadow fell across the Merry.

"Huh, what's that!"

Raising a hand to block out the glare, you shrugged, "Oh that's just a large gull. No worries."

"Large my ass!" Nami cried, shaking you viciously, "It's half the size of Merry-"

"Huh, that's smaller than I thought. Neat."

"-and heading straight for us!"

Deadpanning, you pointed at the sight of Luffy screaming for Sanji to cook up the immobilised bird.

"I don't know why I bother sometimes," she growled as she stormed off towards the others. Clapping her hands, she jerked a thumb over her shoulder, "You guys! The ship's going to land at Alabasta any minute now. I know (y/n) called off training, but we don't have time to be playing around! Come on!"

"Y-yes ma'am!"

Vivi chuckled weakly, "She really can pull her weight when she wants to."

"Well, so can you." Zoro groaned as he sat up, "Did Nami give you lessons or something?"

"Uh, excuse me?" Chopper tapped Vivi's leg quizzically, "What's Alabasta? I thought it was a rock..."

She giggled, "No that's 'Alabaster', silly."

"Ah," Chopper rubbed his hooves together.

"Alabasta is a country Vivi's father rules." Nami grinned as she twirled her new weapon experimentally around her finger.

"This evil guy called Crocodile is trying to take it over," Usopp chipped in as he sat down on the steps just behind the doctor. He glanced up at Nami, "How the Clima-Tact holding up for you?"

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