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Your mind felt fuzzy. You barely noticed when Miss All Sunday pulled you from the wall. You barely noticed when she summoned a hand to bind your arms and she told you to walk. You barely noticed when your knees and ankles screamed around the metal nails still firmly embedded into the joints. You barely noticed when Tashigi attacked, although a muscle in your cheek tensed at the sound of her bones breaking.

So many things slipping by. Everything out of focus. It was almost as if Mello had filled your head with static. But you knew that wasn't the case. He was just as shocked as you were. If shocked was the right word.

But it really was. You hadn't seen this coming. Not by a long shot.

Perhaps that is what threw you so much. The fact you hadn't known. Most of the time, you were pretty much spot on in your predictions. Mello prided himself on the fact that he was always correct. And something this catastrophic would have signalled itself to you the moment you woke up...Kronos that was over a day ago now.

"Yet you have a point, Missy."

You slowly blinked yourself conscious.

"If the boy really was going to die, then we probably would have received a trigger of a possible future."

"But we never see possible futures of events less than a week away." You mumbled, finally taking in your surroundings, "Look, I know you're trying to cheer me up Mello, but I don't want any false hope. That hurts more than just accepting the truth."

The three of you ('Oh yeah, the King's here too') had left Alubarna a while ago. However even here the same stately atmosphere enshrouded the place. It had been well kept, that was obvious by the lack of sand and decay. Even in drought, this place had been watered enough to allow a springy layer of grass.

You were surprised at yourself. Normally you were more observant, and you'd have realised it if you were being moved.

"It's hardly surprising, Missy. Not after witnessing something like that."

You dipped your head to look at your feet.

"Miss, are you alright?"

Eyes flicking to the King, you nodded, "Yeah, I'm good."

"I am afraid I am not confident in your answer." He frowned at you as his gaze flicked to your elbows and knees, "I suspect you're slightly delirious; you have lost a considerable amount of..." Aged eyes lowered to your dripping knees, "blood..." Cobra gulped as he hurried on, "In addition, you were talking to yourself just now."

"Eh, don't worry 'bout it." You replied blankly, looking forwards at the figure in the white coat, "So where are we?"

"This is the Tomb of the Royal Family. The place where the ancient kings sleep for all eternity."

You shuffled to a halt beside her. The immaculate state of the buildings now took on a completely different meaning.

Miss All Sunday's head turned ever so slightly towards Cobra, "Where is the poneglyph?"

"Huh?!" Your eyes bulged, "There's a poneglyph here?! Since when?"

"Ah yes, you were unconscious for that bit. It took quite a bit of energy to keep repairing your spine over and over again."

'And you didn't think to tell me?!' You remembered to only think that at the last minute. It had been a long day.

"Precisely. It has been a long day, and you have received no small amount of emotional trauma. I did not want to burden you with more."

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