Dead End on the high seas

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I do not own One Piece. If I did, I would have all the candy in the world. Ish.


You pouted, holding your hands in front of your face, "Flirty..."

Mello groaned.

"What is it (y/n)-chwan?"

Your lip wobbled at the small green syrup encasing your hand, "It's stuuuuck..."

His eyebrow twitched, "Is that...candy?"

You nodded.

"It's not a very appetising colour, is it?"

Zoro tsked, kicking his feet up onto the table, "Where the hell'd you get that?"

"Oh, that was me." Robin chuckled, "We passed a small street stand earlier, so I used my personal funds to obtain a bag for her." She gracefully batted away an incoming projectile of chewed meat bones, "She seemed to linger before it for a particularly long time after all."

You hung your head, "I've never had candy before...And I really wanted some since it looked so cool and gooey..."

"That is an understatement!" Mello huffed, "Even I craved some. It was almost as if we had to have it."

You eyed the stuck shards on your hands.

"No you may not lick your hands."

You stuck your lip out more.

"Aaaaaah, I would have bought some for you if you so wished Miss Mysterious! But for now-" the cook rose from his seat- "I will have to help where I can. Nami-swan, Robin-chwan, can I get you anything."

"I'm fine, thank you."

"I would like some coffee, mister cook."


Your eyes tracked him able over towards the bar to talk to the man behind the counter. A couple of eyes glanced your way, and you quickly recoiled to the safety of your hood. Your recent bounty poster was slapped on the wall outside this grotty bar beside your captain's. The picture hadn't been updated, thank Kronos, but every glance felt toxic. The atmosphere was suffocating you.

Now the world knew you were back.

Luffy couldn't care less, holding a hand over his dramatically enlarged belly, "Ahhh...I'm stuffed."

"I bet you are," Zoro grumbled, "You ate a ton."

"I still have room for more."

Usopp baulked, "Enough already!" He'd had the misfortune of sitting next to Luffy, and it showed on his face.

You would have flinched as a hand reached down next to you to place a steaming cup of coffee in front of Robin, if you weren't positive that it was Sanji. Something was off here, and it you really didn't like it. You wished the marines would back off soon so you could move on.

Even so, you feigned a smile as he beamed down on you. You may be on edge, but that was no reason to worry the others. However, you let it falter as you recognised what was in the dish he presented to you, "Flour, Flirty?"

"Mm!" He nodded, sliding down into his seat in between the two other female crewmates, "It's an old chef trick to deal with candy syrup. Just rub a bit of that onto your hands, and the candy should fall straight off."

That was genuine amazement on your face as you did as he instructed, "That's neat! Thanks!"

"Oi, Sanji!" Luffy grinned, "Gimme more food!"

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