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IT HAS BEEN TWO YEARS EVERYONE! (And a few months since it took forever to write this damn thing.)

As promised, here are three sections based on the top three results in the poll. And YES! WE HAVE THREE SEPARATE RESULTS! The tie was broken at long last. So, what I'm planning to do is post the sections in reverse order, starting with the result that came third and ending in our lucky winner. Probably the wrong order to do this... but hey! When have I ever done something logical!

Let's get right to it!


In 3rd place we have....HAREM!



"Hm?" You mused aloud, swinging one leg lazily over the edge of the crow's nest. "What's up?"

"I feel that we need to talk about your behaviour."

Huuuuh? Flipping upright, you suddenly gave the scythe around your wrist your full attention, "What about my behaviour?! You scared of me making a fool of myself or something!?"

"I see... perhaps I phrased that slightly incorrectly." Mello grimaced, "That was a little ambiguous to be sure."

"So?" Huffily you crossed your arms. "What do you mean then?"

"I am worried about the way you act around other people-"

"So you are scared of me making a fool of myself?"

"No! Please for Kronos' sake let me finish!"

You didn't like the sound of this. But then again when was Mello wrong about something? Surely it was better to hear him out... even if you felt he was insulting you. Begrudgingly, you nodded.

"Thank you. Now, as I was saying, I am worried about the way you act around other people-"

A grimace.

"-and thing you should stop leading them on like this."

You blinked.

Leading... them on?

Blink blink.

"HUH?!" You sat abruptly upright, "What in Kronos are you talking about!? I'm not doing anything."

"I was afraid this might happen," Mello sighed. "Missy please don't overreact."

This was overreacting? Honestly you were just confused more than anything else. Like... what was Mello on about!? This made no sense... no sense in the slightest.

"But seriously, do you have any idea about the effect you have on other people?"

"Well yeah. People are often afraid of me at first since I'm a-"

"The romantic effect."

You just stared blankly.

Ro...man...tic? ... Eh?

What the hell was this scythe on?!

"I shall take that as a no then. Excellent..."

You should have stopped him there. You really should have stopped him there. But your head was whirling. Like... ROMANTIC?! Was he being serious? You didn't have a romantic bone in your body!

"Mello, have you been reading Nami's raunchy novels again?"


Okay so it wasn't that. Damn. So how had Mello got this stupid idea into his head all of a sudden. Think Missy, think. There must be something that triggered this... AHA!

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