It's been a while

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I don't own One Piece. If I did, I'd make sure Lucci never gets his post time-skip beard. Like seriously... that thing's weird.


"Wake up Missy Sai."

You deftly raised your head from your knees. Just in time to watch the locks on your door clank open and a small crack of light fall onto your face. Small hands clenched around your bony knees. You wished it hadn't.

Keep it closed... keep it closed...

You shouldn't leave this room. Never ever. Never ever ever.

"Look alive now. You've got a visitor." Spandine gestured to the figure next to him. "He will take care of you, and ensure that there are no more..." His eyes flashed. "Accidents."


Your fingernails dug deeper. You hadn't meant it! You hadn't wanted to see those people... those people... Don't remind you, please don't remind you! You had been so bad! So very bad!

"Nonsense." Mellontas hummed, sounding both comforting and sad at the same time. "You have done nothing wrong, Young Mistress Saioney."

No! You shook your head! That man had... he had... you weren't supposed to do that to people! It was against the rules, and you had to obey the rules! You had to! Otherwise you wouldn't be good.

Mello sagged. For some reason that made him sad.


A hand whipped across your face. Your teeth ground together, trying so hard to avoid shrieking that you tasted blood.

Spandine dusted off his glove. "Were you listening to the voice in your head again, Missy?"

You nodded. Good people don't lie and you had to be good. "Yessir."

"How ridiculous." The man clicked his tongue, turning back to the figure lingering in the doorway. "Another thing I forgot to mention. Being an ancient weapon has done something to her brain. She believes she can hear a voice in there, and occasionally starts having one sided conversations with herself. Feel free to use violence to set her straight."

But... your lips pursed. There was a voice in there. You weren't making things up. Mello was real. He was!

"Of course I am, Young Mistress." His presence patted reassuringly against your own. "You know that don't you?"

You nodded.

"Then that is enough for me."

"So-" Spandine moved elegantly towards the door- "will you take on the role of her companion, Mr Rob Lucci?"

For the first time the figure before you moved into the light just enough to see a boy, a few years older than you, with more scars and bruises and scrapes that you had ever seen in your life. His cold eyes surveyed you, and a shudder trickled down your spine.

It was weird. Why did he look hungry? You weren't food, you were working together. But for some reason you still felt scared. As if one day this boy, Rob Lucci, would... devour you whole.

After what seemed like ages, he turned his gaze back to Spandine. "I do as you command."

"Good." The commander turned, that cloak billowing out behind him as he moved towards the door. "I'll leave the two of you to get acquainted then."

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