What's in a dream?

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I don't own One Piece. If I did I would have a large enough army that Usopp wouldn't need to lie.


"So. You've made your choice."

Cocking your head to the side, you swung Mello onto your shoulders, "Well what do you think? It's kinda obvious."

Smoker grimaced, drawing his jitte, "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"

"Oh I do." You sauntered forwards and smiled your most sickening smile, "That is why I need to fight you...right?"

His eyes narrowed, "If that's what it'll take to knock some sense into you."

"Woooh!" An arm stretched over to poke the scythe, "That's so coooool! What sorta sword is that?"

Flicking your captain's fingers off Mello, you shot him an inquiring glance, "Mind if I take first shot? I need to wrap up this last loose end before I can properly join the crew."

Luffy snapped back his arm, "Sure! As long as I can beat his ass after."

"I think I can leave some for you."

"(y-)...(y/n)." Smoker motioned with his jitte, "Think about this for a moment..."

"Oh c'mon!" You snickered, cocking your head towards him, Did you really think I was your friend." You barked out a coarse laugh, "That's adorable."

"Missy...What are you trying to achieve, riling him up like that?" Mello scoffed, "You cannot possibly..." He groaned, "Oh what am I saying, of course you think it's a good idea..."

Gritting his teeth as best he could around the cigar, Smoker's grip tightened around his weapon.

"Well," You waved your hand vaguely in the air, "Friends, acquaintances, what's the difference really. Either way you look at it I was using you. And what a convenient tool you were..." Stretching your lips up in what you hoped was a smirk, you kept moving forwards until you stood right in front of him, "Because who would possibly expect the friend of a marine to be one of the world's biggest monsters."

Smoker said nothing.

"I'm an assassin, darling." You stretched up and bopped him on the nose, "Manipulation is part of the game."

He inclined his head, "Is that really how you feel?"

You didn't want to answer that. Swinging Mello off your shoulders, you swung upwards towards his jaw.

"I see." He stepped back, leaving you to counterbalance your own attack.

"That was sloppy."

Sucking in a breath, you tried to focus, 'Four years remember? Cut me some slack.' This time you attempted an under-leg sweep.

"That wasn't what I meant, and you know it."

Smoker used his jitte to spin the blade over him.

"You plagiarised that speech word for word from a transponder sitcom."

You gritted your teeth as you used the new leverage to aim a kick at his gut, 'So what if I did? It's a good speech.'

"It's clichéd." The kick connected with a solid thunk.

Smoker remained unphased. Grabbing your leg, he tossed you gently aside.

Using your free hand, you nimbly flipped sideways to right yourself, "You're not taking me seriously, Smoker."

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