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Wahoooooooooooo! It's here!!!

"I am genuinely amazed we've got to this point..."

Me too. Welcome everyone, to the 1st anniversary special of Missy! A year ago today, I posted the very first chapter on A03. Gah that seems so long ago...Even I first posted on here in November...

"It really does...you hadn't quite figured out the character dynamics then, had you?"

Ha nope! But going onto what you've all been waiting for...the specials! Here we have three random scenes that I just couldn't fit into the actual fic. In order, we have one that I've been meaning to write for a while, but wanted to get moving with the storyline so I never got around to slotting it in.

"After that is a segment from Missy's past. This Miss Author decided not to write because she does not particularly believe in flashbacks..."

I just think it's unnecessary to have too many is all. And finally is a scene that Missy couldn't have experienced, so duh that never made it into the fic. I tried to make it fairly obvious where they all fit into the timeline, but feel free to post any questions. More comments at the end! So please enjoy :)

I don't own One Piece. If I did, this chapter would be titled the 21st anniversary instead.


The dark waves sloshed from side to side as the Going Merry sliced through them. You leant back on the aft deck, hands under your head, looking up at the stars. Taking in every sparkle. Every slight variation.

Since you were pretty confident you weren't going to sleep tonight. Not well at least.

Mello hummed, his consciousness at the furthest point of your mind it could be. Not that surprising really, after that bomb and then Drum back to back. He needed to rest before Alabasta, even if you weren't going to.

A glowing light coming round the corner made you turn, "Hey Mop-boy."

"Missy." He grunted, sitting down next to you with the lantern, "Didn't expect you to be awake. Normally that scythe is on duty in the tangerine grove."

You chuckled, not bothering to prop yourself up, "Believe it or not, he's sleeping." Reaching over to the side, you handed him the bottle next to you, "Drink?"

"Let me guess," he smirked, "A hunch?"

"Nah, just thought you'd be awake after napping all day." You held out a glass, "Fill me up."

"Do it yourself."

"Can't be bothered."


You rolled your eyes as he poured a generous amount, grumbling the entire time, "Thanks."

He dipped his head as he took a swig from the bottle.

The two of you lulled into silence, you leaving your drink untouched at the side. Normally, you hated silence. Loathed it even. But this felt...nice. As if you didn't need to speak.

"You ready?"

The question caught you off guard, "Huh?"

Zoro's face illuminated in the lamp light as he turned towards you, "We're nearing Alabasta soon. You ready?"

"Sure." You swung up into a sitting position, The stars weren't that bright with the lantern anyways. "Why wouldn't I be."

"I mean, are you ready to kill."

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