A bit of downtime (and unintentional chaos)

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I don't own One Piece. If I did, we'd have fun chill episodes that weren't filler. Since let's face it, we need more of those.


"I don't get it." Zoro grimaced, leaning backwards to scour the newspaper as if a fifth look through would reveal some sort of hidden meaning. "The Franky Family really wrecked up the place... why the hell aren't they mentioned at all?"

Mello took a sip of tea (something he had mastered surprisingly well despite having a beak), while you eyed the strange circular sugared thing before you. Why would people make a ring of dough like this... and then fry it... while still calling it a dessert? It didn't make sense!

"Maybe it was your Grandpa, Luffy?"

Your captain munched on a doughnut thoughtfully, hand already stretching towards the stack before you. Hissing, you smacked his hand away. Much to his annoyance.

"Like maybe he pulled some strings and told the government that they were just innocent bystanders," Sanji clarified when no one answered. "He's a big shot isn't he? That sorta stuff shouldn't be so hard for him."

You cocked your head a moment, mulling over the possibility. Although you'd never actually met Vice Admiral 'Mad Dog' Garp until the day before, you could distinctly remember the government rumour mill spitting out stories about how he'd never showed up to work because he'd overslept, or decided to disobey orders 'just because'. For a man like that to engage in political intrigue for a random group he didn't even know that much about.

Both you and Mello joined Luffy, Chopper, Nami, and even Robin in waving a dismissive hand (or handle) towards Sanji.

"Nah. That's too complicated for Gramps."

"Yeah. What Luffy said."

"It was most likely Aokiji."

'You think?' You resisted the urge to arch a brow. If Mello didn't think that the others needed to know that you'd spoken to the Admiral recently, then you'd go along with his judgement. 'Like as an apology for the Golden Snail thing?'

"Who knows." Picking up his cup again he took another deep and appreciative sip. "He's a strange man after all. I don't even think HE always knows what he's doing."

True. Very true. You took a tentative nibble of your doughnut. And jerked your head back in shock.

So... good!

"At any rate-" Sanji shrugged off the rejection to his previous idea as if it was nothing, making you realise that he probably hadn't believed fully in it either- "the way this's turned out is good for them. Obviously we're criminals, but I would hate to see anyone get wrapped up in this mess and have their whole lives ruined."

"It's a good thing you feel that way then," Zoro muttered from the floor. " 'cause they had plenty to say about us."

Nami snatched the paper from his hands. " 'A Declaration of War on the World Government'," she read with a grimace. "And they even blame us for burning down the island!? No way!"

"Maybe they think you've got another weird ability Big Sis!" Chopper giggled devilishly. "Have you got any fire powers we don't know about?"

"She might spit it from her third head," Robin hummed in perfect seriousness.

"Well I already technically have a second head now-" you jerked a thumb to where Mello was coiled around your shoulders- "a third isn't that far off."

Mello nodded, "I, however, do not spit fire. Yet."

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