Well that was anticlimactic...

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"Saioney (y/n), you're coming with us. Willingly or otherwise."

You grimaced, 'I really, REALLY hate being me sometimes...'

Zoro muttered softly so you could barely hear him, "Any ideas?"

"I suspect that at least one of them is a devil fruit user. That explosion earlier...there's no smell of gunpowder or any other explosive, and they don't seem to be carrying anything other than that umbrella. However...it is difficult to tell with that trench coat."

You relayed the information, and the swordsman nodded in understanding, "What about that woman? She must have a devil fruit, right? She's only carrying an umbrella..."

"I agree about the devil fruit, but never underestimate the combat capability of an umbrella," you shuddered, "Especially if it's been reinforced..."

He raised an eyebrow.

"Don't ask." Looking at the building where the rest of the crew, without Nami, were still sleeping, you crossed your arms, "As soon as we split, go get the rest and get ready to leave, and fast."

"But what about-"

"KYAHAHAHAHAHA!" Miss Valentine took a step forward, "What are you two mumbling about?" Her grin froze on her face, "I hope you're not thinking about resisting us, KYAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"IGARAPPAPPA!" Igaram pulled down on his bow tie and guns fired from out of the massive curls in his hair. A massive explosion formed around the two five agents.

You and Zoro gaped at the man.


"You won't lay a finger on the princess! On my name as Captain of the Alabasta Royal Guard."

"Igaram!" Vivi recoiled from behind him.

As the smoke cleared, it was obvious that both of them were just fine. Mr 5 continued to pick his nose, "Oh, you shouldn't have done that." He flicked his finger at Igaram, "NOSE FANCY!"

Your eyes widened, "Everyone, get down!"

Vivi stared blankly at you until you ran over and slammed her to the ground. Thankfully, Zoro had actually taken your advice, and had dove to the side as soon as the words had left your mouth.

Unfortunately you were unable to get to Igaram, who was lit up for a moment, before crashing to the ground in a sequence of explosions. He collapsed.


"That's some powerful snot!" Zoro stuck up his head from behind some barrels and grimaced.

You nodded, before turning to the curly haired man, "You alright?"

Igaram grimaced, "The princess...is fine...which is all that matters."

She shakily stood up, and you grinned at her, "We're in the same boat...sorta. It's fine."

"So that's why the Boss wants you. I'm almost impressed. KYAHAHAHAHA!" You looked up in horror. Miss Valentine was floating in the air under her umbrella. Suddenly she dropped down and performed a high kick at Vivi. The bangle that held up her hair snapped, and the blue locks fell down around her furious face. Out of a hidden pocket, she whipped out two small blades on strings and started to spin them around her finger.

Miss Valentine dropped down next to Mr 5 wordlessly.

"Interesting...I've never seen a devil fruit like that one before. Most likely a Paramecia, since there didn't seem to be disturbances to the air... "

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