We're blasting off again!

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I don't own One Piece. If I did, I would create a theme park ride based on the Knock-Up Stream. Since that needs to happen. (I would spend all my money on that)


"What the hell is he doing!?" Nami snapped, "It's morning already! Morning! He promised to be back 46 minutes ago."

You rolled your eyes from your perch in the newly reinforced crow's nest. Why was she being so loud? It was Luffy after all. He never stuck to anything as concrete as a schedule. Although you had no clue just what he went out to do last night with that terrifying look on his face. And you couldn't even go down to ask.

A cloven hoof resting on your shoulder made that much certain.

"At least he did not insist on you remaining in a room all this time." Mello sighed, "He even let you help repair the Merry."

"I guess..." you muttered, eyeing the wings and the...additions to the figure head, "Why does Merry have to be a chicken again?"

Chopper cocked his head, "You don't know?"

"Nope. You all just kinda assumed I knew already." You shrugged, "Although how I would know something like that is beyond me..."

He had the grace to look sheepish even though his eyes still twinkled at the promise of adventure, "We're gonna ride something called the Knock-Up Stream to get to the Sky Islands! Have you heard of it, Big Sis (y/n)?"

"I have in theory. It was more something to look out for while sailing than anything else. I've never actually seen it happen." Your brows furrowed, "What about that weird bird?" You jerked your thumb towards the pitifully yet terrifyingly squawking creature.

"That's a South Bird, which we need to go directly south," Chopper grimaced as the bird glared at him without moving its head, "I personally can't wait for him to go...Some of the stuff he's been saying is really scary... "

"Ok that part makes sense...That still doesn't explain the chicken though..."

"Because it's a bird of course! And we're gonna fly to the sky!"

"Chickens aren't great flyers though..."


Standing, you hoisted Chopper onto your shoulder, "Well there's Cap. I guess it's time to get this show on the road."

"Are you okay though, Big Sis (y/n)?" He questioned innocently, looking directly into your eyes.

You nodded wordlessly. It was true, all that background fuzz you'd experienced in Mock Town had completely vanished...which could only mean one thing... Your lips pressed into a fine line. Hopefully you'd been convincing enough to keep him from coming after Ace, but nothing was certain. There was even a strong possibility that he could be fooling you completely. Could there have been anything you could have done differently? Your mind was racing.

You could have told him that you would have revealed a bit of the future further along the line, you did mention you were a fortune teller after all...

"Fortune Tellers are notorious for being vague as to WHEN their predictions happen." Mello chimed in, "Besides...if you said that there's no guarantee that he would have listened to it. For such a planning man...he seemed to respect fate."

You grunted, 'Besides...someone needs to die to trigger this war...'

And you would make sure that someone was going to be you.

"Hey, Miss Mysterious, are you sure that you didn't see my bounty poster?" Sanji chuckled nervously, nimbly jumping onto the deck, "Perhaps you didn't see it in town..."

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