Under the sea

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Nami's shoulders heaved as she huddled in a corner.

"There there, Miss Navigator." Robin sprouted an arm from across the deck to pat her on the shoulder, "Another opportunity to obtain funding will show up."

You rolled your eyes as you slumped back in one of the tangerine trees, "If in doubt, we can always steal some."

"I guess..."

"Oi, Missy!" Zoro barked from below you, "When are we going to get back into training. I want to see if I've got this Iron-Body thing right."

Usopp flinched on the deck, "T-training?"

"You know what?" Nami hummed, shakily getting to her feet, "That actually sounds pretty good. Some yoga would take my mind off things..."

The entire crew gaped at her as she promptly flipped into a handstand with her legs curved over her head, relaxing into the pose with a relieved sigh.

"That is a perfectly formed Handstand Scorpion is it not?" Mello asked tentatively.

You could only nod, holding a hand out to restrain Sanji from looking up her skirt, "Nami...How much have you been practicing?"

"Oh I do a bit every day before I go to bed," She smiled as she flitted her eyes closed, "It's just what I need after a day with these morons...Really helps me relax."

"If you say so..." You mumbled.

Zoro grimaced, "If the witch is training every day, I need to step up my game."

An eye flashed open, "Did I hear you say something, Zoro?"


Your hand shot above your head.

Sanji raised an eyebrow at you, "Is everything alright, (y/n)-chwan?"

"Just reflexes," You bought your hand down to reveal..."A wooden plank with a nail?" Your brow furrowed, "That fell from the sky?"

Luffy cocked his head, "It's raining wood?"

"Wouldn't put it past the Grand Line," Usopp moaned.

You looked up, "Ah. It's a ship falling from the sky."

"Phew. That makes far more sense...BE SERIOUS FOR ONCE!"

"Nope." You sweatdropped, as a shadow fell over the Merry, "That's definitely a ship falling from the sky."


Nami flipped upright in an instant, "What?"


Sanji pulled you into a corner just as the galleon plummeted into the water next to you.


The swell was incredible. Merry was pitching and rolling all over the place, debris still raining down on everyone.

"What!?" Nami moaned as she clutched onto the mast, "What is this!? Hey (y/n), what is this!?"



"A dream!" Usopp shrieked, "Yeah, yeah, this must be a dream!"

Chopper nodded wide eyed, "A dream? Thank-"

Merry rolled abruptly, smashing them into each other.

"There's still stuff coming down!" Sanji called out from where he sheltered you, "Watch out!"

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