The choices we hate

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I don't own One Piece. If I did, I'd send that guy who makes ramen through his nose to the deepest, darkest place of the ocean. That shit's nasty!


"Because you attacked them first."

Those words hit you like a punch in the gut.

You had attacked them. Your crew. Your friends. And you had done so unprovoked. You didn't even have a memory to agonise over.

Gulping, your pencil trembled recklessly over your notebook. There... there were so many questions. So many things you wanted to ask...

But you were afraid at what the answers might be.

"We need information, Missy." Mello sighed, the tremor in his voice telling you that he hated this just as much as you did. "While this may be painful... we don't have anything else to go off of."

'I know.'

The first memory blank had been bad enough, but this one had proved just how dangerous they could be. You could do anything with those blanks, and not remember a thing afterwards. Not to mention that voice you'd heard before. Who had that been? And where had you heard it before?

So many questions...

You had to start asking them.

Why did I attack them?

"I was initially hoping to ask you the same thing," Robin replied simply, having somehow managed to read your handwriting upside down. "You had a slightly subdued look in your eyes the whole time... Yet once the Captain and the swordsman joined us, the very first thing you did was..." she faltered, twiddling her thumbs in small circles.

That didn't sound good. You raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"I don't know what else to say. You... looked so happy all of a sudden. And you... you just... started lashing out at them." Tensing her lip, she glanced away. "You only stopped when your collar knocked you out."

Your stomach churned. You were going to be sick. Like... physically sick.

This couldn't be real. It couldn't be.

You... you really had... oh Kronos... oh Kronos no...

You didn't deserve to be on their crew. What sort of crewmate attacked their captain like that. A shaky hand reached back to touch the hoof shaped bruise. Chopper... Your actions had encouraged Chopper, your darling little brother, to retaliate against you.

You couldn't breathe.

How, you found yourself writing before you could stop yourself, How did they react?

Robin tensed, enjoying this conversation just as much as you were, "Well they were on the defensive initially. Asking what was wrong with you and so on." Her lips pursed. "They were hurt. Believe me, the last thing they wanted was to harm you or leave any physical wounds. But you just kept pushing."

They should've fought back. They should have dismembered you. Anything to stop you attacking them.

They should have fought back...

"Eventually the swordsman began to attack you seriously." She vaguely gestured to your haggard appearance, "He is the one responsible for the majority of your injuries."

You gave a small smile. Thank goodness.... You really needed to thank him later.

"Soon after that your collar activated and knocked you out completely. I was ordered to take you with me to the Sea Train, and here we are." Robin blinked, turning out to stare at the rain thundering against the window. "That is all I know. If there is anything else, then I'm not aware of a thing."

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