Sicko-sicko Whirlwind

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Nami's scream made you look down to the front of the ship. Your eyes widened.


It looked as if the Going Merry was being reflected in a mirror. But a mirror that wasn't really there, so the ship was sailing into itself.

Your jaw dropped, "THAT'S AWESOME!"

You could feel Mello wince in your hand, "Really Missy. You're missing the point here."

Eventually the entire ship had passed through, and you were left with a reflection of yourself and Ryu on the raft. Even the dragon looked shocked. You did what any sane person would do and waved at yourself.

"Missy, you look like an idiot."

After you passed through the 'mirror', you were met with thick white fog. Sanji called out from inside the galley, "(y/n)-chan, what happened? From the way even you were screaming, I thought it was something important."

"Big. Ass. Mirror."


You looked at Mello, 'Do you have a bad feeling about this, or is it just me?'

"It's not just you Missy."

Suddenly storm clouds formed from almost nothing overhead. It started to rain heavily, and the boat rocked from side to side. You heard screaming and curses from on the Merry. A large wave hit, and you could see the ropes holding the raft to the boat start to unwind.

'I hate it when I'm right.'

You pointed Mello's blade towards the Merry, "Mellontas, Grapple!"

"On it."

Mello's shaft extended until it was long enough for the blade to hook over the Merry's railing. The blade became blunt, and slightly curved itself under the railing. You took out one of your daggers and stabbed it hard into the raft to make sure you wouldn't be separated.

"Gramps! Keep a hold on me!"

The old dragon bit your torso, hard.

You giggled, "Well I guess that's one way..."

"GRANDPA RYU!" Apis stumbled over to the bow and saw the ropes start to unravel. She tried to hold on to one, but it cut right through her hands, "NO!"

"Apis, I've got this!" You groaned as you used most of your strength to keep both Mello and your dagger from slipping out of your hands. A lightning bolt hit the water nearby, "Shit..."

Zoro took hold the rope from behind Apis and managed to slow the slipping. He then side stepped in an arc and grabbed the second rope. He winced with the effort.


"Yeah!" You laughed, "I'm stuffed if I let go now."

"You...ugh...really are a...psycho..."

"And a very happy one too!"



"It took you long enough, Cap." You giggled as a rubber arm took hold of the back of the raft. The strain in your upper arms started to decrease.


"I'm fine! Leave it to me!" He wrapped his other arm many times around the mast, "I promised to take you to the dragon's nest, didn't I?"

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