To cripple fear

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I don't own One Piece. If I did, Kalifa would get an award for promoting sexual harassment... once she actually knew what it is...


"It has been a while now hasn't it."

Those few words were somehow enough to send shivers running down your spine. Not that they weren't already. You weren't blind to the rampant terror that had began boiling in your veins. But this was different.


More savage.


More crippling.


Were they speaking to you? You didn't know. Sound was merely an echo at this point. Vision was merely a blur, twirling and spiraling the objects before you until you couldn't make out what was green and what was blue.

Apart from Spandam.

He still sat there, in his solid stone chair. Next to his sword turned elephant. In his leather face brace. With his sick, sick smile. He was going to hurt you he was going to punish you he-

"Chief Spandam." Lucci cut your thoughts short. "We are here to report that we have completed the escort of Cutty Flam, the criminal who is responsible for assaulting Government officials in Water 7 eight years ago, Nico Robin, the criminal who was involved in the incident where Navy battleships were attacked in Ohara in the West Blue, and Missy Sai, from the Ancient Weapon Kronos, without a hitch. Cutty Flam and Nico Robin are both behind those doors." His eyes flicked towards you, "And Missy Sai has been brought in as asked."

"Excellent, EXCELLENT!" Spandam crowed, shooting to his feet in a matter of moments. "Welcome back! Lucci, Kaku, Blueno, Kalifa, and..." His fishlike eyes gleamed with a familiar greed. "A warm welcome to our missing weapon!"

Not here. You wanted to be anywhere but there.

Kalifa pushed up her glasses, "That's sexual assault."

"Just calling your name is?!"

A tanned, angular head lolled back over the back of the sofa. "Long time no see, Lucci." Jabra purred, a hungry grin like usual plastered over his face. "It appears that your audacity has increased considerably."

"It appears that your stupidity has as well, Jabra," Lucci replied coldly.

An angular eye twitched, "What'd you say?"

"Stop it," Kaku sighed as he moved between them. Lucci cocked his head. Kaku just glared back. "Both of you. We have just returned, it is foolish to fight now."

"YOYOI!" A large shadow loomed over you. "He is right! Stop it, you two!" Kumadori whipped around, waving his arms sporadically around the increasingly indignant Jabra. "We have been reunited after five years, and the young weapon after six!"

You wanted to throw up.

"Tch." He slumped back into his seat. "Sure, welcome back or whatever. As if we need that bullshit."


You abruptly ducked, missing Fukurou by mere inches as he sailed over your head.

"Cha-pa-pa..." He sighed, still midflight, "And here I wanted to find out if you got stronger... But ah well!" Coiling himself up as small as he could (which still managed to be far bigger than the average human), he bounced off the stone tiles and aimed directly for Kalifa.

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