“Before you do that, I have to ask you something,” Gage said.

                “What?” I asked curiously. What could Gage possibly have to ask me? Did he still want to be Alex? Was that it?

                Gage stepped up to me and cupped my face in his hands. He pressed his lips to mine, kissing me deeply.

                He pulled away and cocked his head to the side. “Still going to pick Alex?” he asked.

                I nodded. “Yea. I’m sorry Gage, but you and I wouldn’t work out as a couple,” I said quietly. I guess I should’ve seen that coming.

                Gage shrugged. “Aw well. Didn’t hurt to try. No offense Trav, but I’ll be over it within the next 10 minutes.”

                That made me smile a little. “I know Gage. I know you,” I said, laughing. “And I guess that’s part of the reason why we wouldn’t work out as a couple. We’re just meant to be friends.”

                “I know,” Gage said with a nod. “But, like I said, it didn’t hurt to try.”

                He opened the door and we left together. We made our way back to the dance floor and over to our friends.

                Alex gave me a questioning look, but I just shook my head at him. He didn’t need to know about that.

                Just A Little Bit by Kids of 88 began to play, and I started dancing around with Alex and my friends. I made sure not to look at Gav and Rose as they danced around together. I didn’t want to ruin the good mood I had slipped into.

                After a while of dancing like idiots, we all decided to grab some food and drinks and relax for a little. We loaded up plates and grabbed water bottles before heading back over to our table and sitting down.

                “This dance is way more fun than I thought it would be!” Gav said, still trying to catch his breath from the dancing.

                “Hell yea,” I said with a smile, taking a large gulp of my water.

                I looked over at Alex. “Are you having fun?” I asked.

                Alex smile and nodded happily. “Yea!” he said. “I’m having a lot of fun Trav!”

                I moved to have some of the spaghetti on my plate, but froze as my eyes landed on Gav. My heart sank at the sight in front of me.

                Gav was kissing Rose, his hands on her waist and her arms wrapped around his neck. He pulled away from her, looking happier than I had ever seen him in my entire life. His eyes said that the only person in the room right now was Rose.


                Alex was shaking my arm. I snapped out of my daze and looked over at him in confusion. He pointed at my shirt.

                “You got sauce on your tuxedo,” he said.

                I looked down at the stain and nodded. I looked up to set my fork down and saw that Gage was shooting my a knowing look.

                “I’ll be right back,” I mumbled, standing up and hurrying away from the table.

                I went into the bathroom and turned on the hot water. I grabbed a paper towel and soaked it in the water before beginning to wipe at my tuxedo.             

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