"Ah, Y/n! So nice to see you! Out for a run, I see?" Hailey's grandma, Dawn, smiled, the sides of her gray eyes crinkling slightly.

"Hi, Dawn."

"How are those parents of yours?"

"Meh. They're on a business trip, but other than that, they're good."

"Very nice. When you see them again, tell them I say hello."

"Of course." Dawn sat on the porch swing, gazing at the sky above, and remembering her late husband. Y/n felt bad for her, but she also knew that she somehow felt at peace, almost as if Dawn knew she'd see her husband again someday.

"Hails. Time to come inside." Y/n looked up to see Hailey's older brother, Carter. Carter was two years older than Y/n, and on his second year of college. Yes, she had a crush on him, but so did everyone... She liked him because he didn't chase after her affection like the other boys. He was cute, with the same chocolate hair of Hailey, but with dark blue eyes that showed so much emotion.

 He was cute, with the same chocolate hair of Hailey, but with dark blue eyes that showed so much emotion

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"Hi, Carter," Y/n called out to him. He smiled sweetly and waved at her.

"Hey, Y/n/n. How's it going?"

"Pretty good. Just trying to make it through finals, along with my senior project. You know how that is."

"Yeah. I completely understand. Finals are crap," he chuckled. Butterflies filled Y/n's stomach at the sound of his laugh, but she had taught herself to do nothing about it.

She looked down at her feet, before glancing back up at him. "I, I should get going. Bye, Hailey. Bye, Dawn. Bye Carter."

"Yeah. Have fun on your run!" Carter stated. She waved goodbye, returning her earbuds to her ears. She continued to run down the sidewalk, a car passing every once in a while.

When she finally reached home, she realized that, like always, she wasn't tired. She never really got tired after running like others. The doctor's said she was fine, but Y/n wasn't so sure...

Heading up to her room, she changed into her pajamas, heading into the basement to watch some TV before going to bed. She searched through the cases, searching for something that caught her eye. And that's when she saw it.


Intrigued but the curious title, she put the disk in the player, cuddling into the chair as the movie started. The image of an old man writing crossed the screen as he spoke of the tale of Erebor, and the dragon that conquered the mountain, driving the dwarves out of their home and away from the demolished town of Dale.

That's when young Frodo - who much reminded Y/n of Carter - came onto the screen, saying he was going to surprise Gandalf. Whoever that was. The screen changed old Bilbo, she learned his name was, to a younger version. Portrayed by Martin Freeman. Y/n was excited. She admired Martin, and thought he was a great actor, so now she was even more intrigued by the movie.

Bilbo talked to a wizard, who introduced himself as Gandalf. Later, after Gandalf had left a symbol on Bilbo's door, a hoard of dwarves began to show up at Bilbo's house. Dwalin at first. He was followed by Balin, then Fili and Kili. Y/n squeaked slightly at the sight of Kili. He was the most adorable dwarf, in her mind.

After the rest of the dwarfs had gotten there, along with Gandalf, they began to laugh and eat, chatting with one another. Bilbo complained about the dwarves in his house, but Gandalf ignored his dismay. They began to sing a song about what Bilbo hated, which Y/n found amusing, when a doorbell sounded. The dwarves went silent as Gandalf answered the door. A dwarf named Thorin entered the house and the dwarves all congregated in the dining room, where they discussed taking back Erebor.

They wanted Bilbo to be a burglar. Why? Y/n wasn't sure. Gandalf told the dwarves that Bilbo was the best choice, and some were skeptical about that. Bilbo refused to sign the contract, for he was a Hobbit who loved his house and home and would love to stay there for the rest of his days. Bilbo ended up fainting after one of the dwarves (Y/n couldn't remember all of their names) described Smaug to him.

Gandalf tried speaking to Bilbo, and mentioned one of his relatives being large enough to ride a horse, not a pony. Gandalf explained that this relative also invented the game of golf, which Bilbo thought was made up. Thorin was saying how the dwarves were the best he had. Then, the dwarves began to sing a song of old.

"Far over the Misty Mountains cold. To dungeons deep and caverns old. We must away ere break of day. To find our long forgotten gold."

Y/n began to feel drowsy as they sang, but she took it as the song was so soothing that it was almost a lullaby.

"The pines were roaring on the height, the winds were moaning in the night."

She felt the sensation of falling, the wind blowing through her red and yellow hair, and she felt herself land, almost gently, on her stomach, her cheek against the ground, which almost felt like grass.

"The fire was red, it flaming spread. The trees like torches blazed with light."

With a tired exhale of breath, she fell sound asleep, feeling and hearing nothing except the echo of the dwarves singing voices ringing in her ears.


A/N: Dang. That was a long one. This is a book I'm excited for, and I just wanna say I'm sorry. I keep telling myself to update some of my other books, but then I get distracted and don't update them... 😣 I'm really sorry about that, but if this one gets attention, I'll update regularly. I have plenty of ideas for this one, so hopefully writing this one will bring back inspiration for my others... Again, I'm so, so sorry... 😣

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