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I felt as though I were walking on eggshells for the remainder of the week. Even though Alastor had tried to reassure me Valentino wouldn't retaliate for my standing up to him, I couldn't shake the feeling in my gut. I knew something was bound to happen, I just didn't know when.

One evening, I had arranged a private dinner for Alastor and I in one of the smaller rooms. He was coming soon, and I knew he would be hungry when he arrived. Even though we might have had a rocky beginning, I had grown to enjoy the Radio Demon's company. He no longer frightened me, and some of the patrons gawked when they overheard me teasing him.

Humming to myself, I arranged the two glasses of sake for the millionth time, trying to preoccupy myself while I waited. The pit in my stomach was growing smaller, and I could feel myself finally relaxing. 

The door sliding open on its track behind me startled me from my daydreaming. Without turning around, I said in a teasing tone, "Alastor-san, you're late. The cook will be mad if you let the dinner she made you go cold."

When there was no reply, I turned, frowning. Instead of Alastor, a greasy demon in a trench coat stood in the doorway pointing a pistol at me. 

"Don't scream," He said in a raspy voice, "I'm not alone. If you make one peep, everyone in this place dies."

Where the Cherry Blossoms Bloom | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now