Spider Web

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I sat as still as a painting waiting for Alastor to asking me whatever it was he wanted to know. I prayed I knew the right answer, or at the very least, what to say to not make the situation any worse than it was. 

Toying with the still full sake cup, Alastor said, "I have some people that owe me money. I was able to find them a safe place during the last extermination and despite their recent good fortune, they claim not to have the money to pay me back."

His crimson gaze flicked from the sake cup up to me, "So tell me, (Y/N), what should I do?"

I gave him a little bow and replied as calmly as I could, "It seems to me these dishonest people will only come if lured out of hiding. A trap is what you need, Alastor-sama."

Alastor seemed to think about what I said, his shoulders relaxing a bit. He took the first sip of his sake as he mulled over my words. I seemed to have found the right words to say. 

"And would you help me set this trap, (Y/N)?" He asked with the most terrifying grin I have ever seen, "Would you let your little retreat from Hell be my spider web?"

I gave another bow, this time deeper and more full of respect, "I would be honored to help a patron as great as Alastor-sama."

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