Cherry Blossoms

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The morning of the cherry blossom viewing party, I was a nervous wreck. Dressed in a spring kimono (pictured below), I made my way downstairs where the guests were arriving. Geisha working today showed some of the most powerful men in Hell out to the gardens, where the cherry blossom trees bloomed in full glory. 

Just as I was beginning to relax a bit, I heard Alastor's voice say, "I'm glad you talked me into coming. The blossoms are quite lovely."

I turned to see the Radio Demon standing behind me, his grin stretched across his face. I gave him a polite bow, "I think you talked yourself into coming, Alastor-sama. Or have you forgotten?"

My comment seemed to amuse him. Chuckling, he offered me his arm so we could walk among the blossoms and talk without being overheard.

"Is everything ready for this evening?" He asked quietly, gesturing as if he was talking about the blossoms. Anyone observing us would assume we were admiring them like everyone else here and not discussing murdering half a dozen men at dinner.

"They will all be coming," I replied, sniffing one of the delicate flowers, "It will be like catching flies with honey."

Alastor thought about my words for a moment, idly plucking a blossom from a low hanging branch, "Thank you for doing this, (Y/N). I know I have been difficult these past few days and I know my reputation precedes me. But your willingness to help says a lot about your character."

I raised an eyebrow, "Having the favor of a man such as yourself is no small thing, Alastor-sama. It is an honor to help."

Alastor chuckled, twirling the cherry blossom stem between his long fingers, "Tell me something, (Y/N). Why do you use -san with Stolas, and -sama with me?"

This I could explain without choosing my words carefully, "Stolas is an old friend and a good patron here, that is why I use -san. I use -sama for you because while we might not yet be old friends, I still have great respect for you."

Alastor thought about this for a moment before replying, "I would consider it an honor to be considered your friend."

His voice was low, catching me off guard. I looked up at him as if searching for the words to say. Without missing a beat, Alastor took the cherry blossom and tucked into my hair, just above my ear. 

"You're a reliable friend, (Y/N)." He said softly, "And I hope you will think of me the same."

Where the Cherry Blossoms Bloom | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now