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slight blood warning!! not very descriptive but still. watch out!!

I Love You

Narrator POV


When Tony woke up again, his vision was hazy. He didn't know exactly where he was, nor how he got here, but he knew he was in a room. A very secured room.

He groaned. Something hurt somewhere. It should go away soon because right now was not the time.

Soon though, his vision became more clear. Now he could see how secured this room was. Metal door. Double locks. One vent, also secured very tightly. The whole room was made of metal. The floor, very.. dirty. Gross.

Then touch hit him. The ability to feel things. His wrists were cuffed with thick, metal prison-like cuffs. But more tight. His legs? Noodle-fied.

To make everything worse, Tony had a headache. One that annoyed him to the point he would rather die.

A few minutes pass with Tony carefully observing everything and everywhere. He heard a click and looked at the now opened door.

Two masked men geared up with many weapons on them came in. Their masks had a weird design in it. It looked somewhat like a fox yet a sad clown at the same time. If it was to be creepy, then it succeeded.

"Hi guys," Tony managed to get out. "Whad'ya gonna do with me?" He asked.

No answer. The Masked Men just came closer, grabbing a weapon from their belt at the same time.

Oh shit.

Hit after hit after hit. It hurt, a lot. His vision became hazy again and everything hurt more. Tony wasn't able to feel it but the Masked Men injected him with a syringe filled with some weird liquid.

Soon, there was black again.


"Jarvis, roll up the camera feed with Tony last seen in it." Rhodey ordered.

"No matching records were found with Sir in it." Jarvis said with an ounce of panic in his voice.

"Shit.. they wiped the cameras too." Rhodey muttered loud enough for everyone to hear but not loud enough to be eavesdropped on.

Clint had come in sometime when they were searching for where Tony went. "Who ever these kidnappers are, they're sure as hell good." He said.

"Couldn't be Hydra." Bucky hesitantly said. "Wouldn't think to wipe out all of 'em cameras. N' if they did, the tight security of the tower would be too much for 'em. It would waste time."

Sam glanced up at the used to be Winter Solider. "You think so?" He asked.

"I know so."


"Somethings wrong." Stephen said.

"Like what? There are no battles, no news even! What could be wrong?" Wong threw his hands up in the air.

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