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Stephen Gossip

Narrator POV

"So.. you have any idea on what's going on?" Tony said as he sucked on his pineapple popsicle.

"A bit." T'Challa looked down at his other wrist, where Tony's name was not on while still licking his grape flavored popsicle.

"Mind sharing?"

T'Challa showed him his right wrist. There was a name.

Nakia was written in cursive with a bright red flower for the dot in the "i." It glowed a light red, just a bit.

Tony wondered, "Wasn't that the girl that did your.. makeup with Shuri?"

T'Challa nodded. "Ah yes, that was Nakia. She is a nice but fierce girl."

Like Pepper.

They ate their popsicles in silence. T'Challa looked down at his wrist where Tony's name was. His was also fading.

"You should probably head back, Prince."

"Don't call me that."

"Jarvis, prepare the jet for Wakanda."

They flew back to his home town.


Christine came walking down the sidewalk. It was a nice day to visit Stephen and she didn't have work today. She also wanted to tell him something important. Stephen has give her the sanctum's address, with the agreement of the Ancient One of course, in case she wanted to visit if she had time. Her last visit was 3 months ago.

She had brought some doughnuts along with her. Wong especially liked them.

The door opened as Christine walked in. It was the same as ever. Dusty yet homey at the same time, dark red carpet in front of the entrance and up the stairs, bright lights complimenting the carpet. And of course, the Ancient One's favorite, the Cauldron Of Cosmos.

"Intruder! Intruder alert!" Wong shouted in panic. He jumped in front of Christine, magic ready.

He put his arms down. "Oh, never mind it's just Christine! Abort abort!" Wong alerted. "Did you bring doughnuts?"

She chuckled. "Yep, right here." Christine patted her handbag.

"Oh goodie! There's new Stephen gossip!" Wong started to lead her into a room where Stephen rarely visits.

Stephen stopped the two. "Ah ah ah, I don't think so Wong. Hi Christine." He waved.

She waved back. "How are you Stephen?"

"I'm doing.. alright. You?"

"Stephen's got a crush on T-"

"Wong!" Stephen scolded.

"You can't deny love Stephen." Wong bit into his jelly filled doughnut.

"Stephen's got a crush on who?"

"Tony St-"

Stephen slapped his hand on Wong's mouth to get him to shut up, though his bright red face said everything needed to be said.

"Oh~ Stephen! You've got a crush on Tony Stark?" She said.

Stephen got even redder. "N-No! Of course not, why would a have a crush on an asshole like Tony Stark?! That's absurd."

"Right, of course not. But did you find your soulmate yet?"

He sighed. "No. What about you?"

"There's this guy named Isaac Keener on my wrist but I don't recognize the name. I think I might've accidentally brushed my hand over his during work hours." She lightly rubbed her wrist.

"Oh wellI think I might've se–"

"Enough chit chat! Let's go eat some doughnuts!"

"Yay! Doughnut time!"  Wong said mouth filled with powdered sugar.

Stephen puked put his phone.

He still hasn't deleted my number. I'm sure he's just busy. Don't think much of it Stephen. Give him some more time. The man runs one of the most, if not the richest, companies in the world!

He sighed. Stephen "accidentally" clicked on his camera roll.

He scrolled through his few pictures and stumbled upon a picture of Tony. He was working hard on a maths test in class and Stephen secretively took a picture with the perfect lighting and angle. Tony looked like an angel at that moment, well at least in Stephen's eyes he did.

He favorited it.

"Stephen you coming?" Christine shouted. "Wong's gonna eat all the glazed doughnuts!"

"He better not! I'll be there in a second!"

Tony Stark.. You truly are what the world calls "perfect."

I have Beyoncé man's first name as my last name. Bow down peasants.
Word count : 671

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