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Narrator POV

Just as Tony played the video, sounds of leaves rustling and light breezes flying by the phone. The skies were blue with stratus clouds in the sky, making it look very foggy. Trees were everywhere, scattered all over, with not one spot to be missed.

The camera moves. Now you can see the edge of a cliff. Definitely hiking. There was now even more trees and bushes. They were so "earth green".

Now the camera shifts to look at this African guy. He's all smiley and.. wait. Hold up. Wait a damn minute.

Tony slapped his forehead with his hand. Oh Rhodey.

The video resumes.



Oh my god. He has the time to send me memes now?

Tony sighs. He would just have to get used to this now, wouldn't he?

The elevator chimes. They had reached Tony's floor.

He heads to the workshop floor. Tony dashed through the hallways and to the workshop. But first, a cup of coffee.

The coffee is almost ready. A beep! comes from the machine alerting that the coffee was done. Sugar? Nah, saves some time.

Tony gulps down the dark, sugarless coffee. He makes a face. Haven't had one of those in a long time. Welp, there was always a time to new the old.

After finishing the dark coffee, Tony immediately heads to the next destination, the workshop.

Once he was in front of the large, metal doors, Tony stared at his reflection for a split second before the doors slides open.

Tony plops down onto his desk chair. Ah, this is relaxing.

Wish it would stay like this forever. All peaceful and calm. Just as it should be.

—But that's kinda hard when you're a superhero, genius, billionaire, philanthropist, and owner of one —if not the richest— companies in the world. Also, an influence to many young people and children.

Tony closed his eyes. Slowly laying his head down onto the desktop.

Slowly, he became more and more drowsy.

Sleep.. tired.. and...

"Hey Mr.Stark!" An enthusiastic voice called.

Tony jumped up from the sudden noise.

What the fuck.

He looked over his shoulder just to a a very familiar face. Oh, it was just Peter. Good 'ol Peter boy.

"Oh hey kid. What're you doing here? Is it Friday already?" Tony checked his watch.

"Yep!" Peter set his bag down on the floor. "Oh yeah! I've got to tell you something!"

Peter proudly put his hands on his hips. "I'm off school! For a whole month! Can you believe that?! A whole month worth of school just gone!" He cheerfully jumped around. Clearly happy that there was no school till a month later.

"Really huh? Your teachers assign any homework?" Tony fixed up his messy looking appearance.

"Well duh, they wouldn't let us off without any work." Peter said.

"Mhm.. hows May? Good I hope." Tony asked.

"Oh she's great! She's even off work too! We can do stuff now!" Peter answered.

"That's good." Tony tapped on the desktop and pulled out some new designs to work on.

There was a comfortable silence followed by many clanks of metal.

Till Natasha walked in.

"Good afternoon Ms. Blonde Head." Jarvis chirped.

Peter whipped his head around so fast Tony was sure he heard a bone crack. Peter had a big, happy smile on his face showing all his teeth.

"Hi Ms. Natasha!" Peter waved.

"Hey Peter. I'm just here to get someone," Natasha looked at Tony who was silently working, hoping that she wouldn't spot him.

So much for that plan.

"Tony. You're needed." Natasha walked over to the working Tony.

"Nope. No. Nada. Thanks but no thanks yeah I think I'll stay here." He continued working.

"It wasn't a question, you had no choice. Now come on."

Then come a stubborn Tony which let to an annoyed Natasha which brings us our next scene.

Natasha dragged Tony by the shirt into the hall.
"Help me" he silently mouthed to Peter. Peter giggled and shook his head, silently mouthing "nope, your problem."

Tony almost threw the no no finger at Peter. Quickly realizing he was only 13 and May would slaughter him if he did. So, he just glared and glared through the pain of Natasha dragging him along the floor.

"This would be easier if you let me walk ya know." Tony grumbled.

"If I let you walk, you'd just run away." Natasha replied.


It was almost at a thousand words, but then I got lazy and decided to leave it at a cliffhanger. Sorry?
Word count : 762

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