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hi I'm back with the longer chaptersssss. be safe out there kids, don't want you getting the coronavirus ya know.

Movie Night

Narrator POV

Tony sighed. And he'd been doing that a lot recently. He knew he had to go to the meeting tomorrow. But he also knew that the meeting would result in a lot of trouble. For everyone, but mostly him. Okay maybe there are other people with more problems than him but he had little problems, they were just more stressful.

He decided that it was time to finish mark XIII. There haven't been any big Avengers missions but you never know, you know? So it'd be better to be prepared than be naked out with the aliens.

Tony went down to the lab and was met with a big group of ear rape whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-s. He needed to change that stat.

"Alright boys." He looked toward his bots. "Time to get to work." And cracked his fingers.

The bots quickly came and got everything that they knew would be needed and assembled in place just like those little dwarfs in Snow White.

Tony smiled at that. He knew that they were slowly memorizing and repeating directions to themselves in small silent whirs. Sometimes they even sounded annoyed when they dropped something.

"Jarvis show blueprints for mark 13."

Quickly the blueprints appeared hovering just a little over the work table. He used his fingers to zoom in on the back of the chest piece. There was still a lot to be done.


Finally, the last piece of the left arm was put in. Credits to the 7 cups of coffee, Tony's magical brain, Jarvis, and the good ol' bots. Round of applause!

"Thank you thank you!"

So Tony then proceeds to tell Jarvis to take the suit to the landing pad that sticks out of the tower.

He goes to the landing pad to test it out. And well expectedly, everything goes smoothly. Until that is a thunderstorm hits unexpectedly. Well shit.

His suit starts acting funny because you know like electricity and water or rain goes boom boom. Well a lot of things go "boom boom" with Tony.

"Hey J uh mind if we get back to the tower. Like right now and like very very quickly? Yeah thanks."

"The pleasure is mine sir, heading back to the Avengers tower now."

Pfft Avengers Tower. Stark tower has a nice ring to it but Avengers tower is a no go. Needs a catchy name. Hmm... Tony thought to himself.

By the time they landed back to the pad, Tony still hasn't thought of a name. Christ's sake! They call you a genius Stark! Live up to the name!

The "landing pad bois" quickly disassembled the mark XIII suit with just a little bit of trouble in the rain but got the work done. Tony got just a little bit of rain on him but that was okay, right?

He actually finally decided that it was time for a shower. Thank the lord. So smelly from the rain and working in the lab.

So uh Ima skip the showering part a lil but don't be mad ok tonie has a lil bit of abs.


After Tony got out of the steamy shower, he threw on a AC/DC t-shirt and some gray(grey) sweat pants.

He decided to go take a break from all of this work and put sometime into himself. So he went to the common room and went on Disney+. Nothing really caught his eye yet, but when the elevator dinged, his head snapped to see who was there. It was like 12:34 a.m. too.

Expected to see Clint because he was an early bird, but never usually this early. It was actually Natasha who came out of the elevator.

"What are you doing up this early?" Tony asked.

Natasha sent a soft-ish kinda glare toward him. "I could say the same for you."

Tony thought for a second. Then he answered, "Just bored."

Who which Natasha nodded agreeing to his statement. She started walking over to the couch next to him.

"Anything you wanna watch?"

Natasha took the remote from his hands, but not harshly because Tony and Natasha knew each other for a very long time. She knew some of his triggers and habits. Maybe even more so than himself.

Switching from Disney+ to another web, she clicked on a Russian show that she knew Tony could understand since he aced in so many languages.

Tony looked at her with confusion. His eyebrow perked up with his doe eyes looking at her.

Natasha didn't pay any mind and continued the show. But then she paused it again because you have to watch a show with snacks.

She went over to the snack cabinet and took out the popcorn bags.

"You want one?" She asked Tony.

"Hmm? Oh, no thanks." He responded.

Then she put one back and put the other in the microwave waiting for it to finished popping.

After it was done she went back to sit on the couch next to Tony with a bucket full of popcorn. Stuffing a few in her mouth, she unpaused the show.

Natasha wouldn't usually eat anything if she was in this situation with Thor or barely anyone else. She only does this with the certain amount of people she trusted with her life. Tony happened to be one of them. They formed a connection during the few years when Natasha has to report a paper about Tony Stark as part of the Avengers. She would sometimes sneak into the tower to do stuff with Tony. Sometimes it was movie night, sometimes it was game night. It all depended what they felt like they wanted to do. Then she finally reported her paper. She wrote "not recommended" because Natasha knew that Tony had problems connecting with people. She knew that tony would put too much effort into his job that he would lose focus on himself. The breakup with Pepper was already hard enough for him.

But they just clicked because neither had the same problems, they understood each other in a way that they couldn't explain. Maybe it was because their lives were somewhat similar in a way. Maybe it was something else, doesn't matter. The only thing that mattered was that they both are there for each other.

So that night where Tony and Natasha would just watch the weird Russian show and eat popcorn, was a special moment for them. It reminded them of all the other times they would do this, just without the other four people in the tower.

The two had fun. Just hanging around and pointing out funny names or making jokes about the people and their sayings. Though it was mostly Tony. At a point of time they somehow snuggled a big fluffy blanket into their binge. Just saying, it was really comfy. Like a big pillow fort just with the pillow and more couch.

It was all just fun. A fun night for them both.

Hiya. This was some Tony and Nat brother/sister bonding time. Dunno just see them as like not blood related, but still siblings.
Word count: 1206

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