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Narrator POV

It was a lovely sleep. But everyone had to wake up at some point.

T'Challa woke up first. He heard snoring next to him. What? Did he have someone over? He looked down seeing Tony. Ah, right. Tony looked so peaceful. He was rarely ever like this. T'Challa wished he could see it more.

He sat up. Careful not to wake the sleeping beauty. He sighed when it went perfectly.

Later, Tony woke up. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of the sleepiness. He sat straight up. Wha? When did he get here?

"Good morning."

Tony looked to his right, where T'Challa was. Ohhhh.


"Sir, you have an incoming call from Colonel Rhodes." Jarvis announced.

"Tony!" Rhodey's voice filled the room.

"Mhm, what's up honey bear?" Tony lazily said.

"Where are you? There is a package waiting at your door."

"I'm in Wakanda, I'll get back soon enough. Just leave it on the counter." He said as he flopped back down on the warm bed.

"Okay, well I have to go now. Duty calls. See you later!" And with that, the called ended.

"Uh huh." Tony murmured.

"Come on sleepy head. We shall go eat breakfast." The king said.

"But I don' wanna." Tony whined.

"Well I do not wish to be the next king either. But guess what, I am. So let's go." T'Challa got out of bed and went to grab some clothes to go take a shower.

"Noooooo.. don't wanna." Tony hid under the thick blanket at an attempt of hiding.

"If you don't I will have no choice but to tickle you!" T'Challa put his clothes in the bed and got ready.

"Noo! Not that eitherrr!" Tony curled into a ball.

"Well, what are we going to do then?" T'Challa asked.

"Stay here and go back to sleep." Tony poked his head out.

"Alright," T'Challa gave in. "Just another half hour alright?"

"Yay! Come here!" Tony got comfy again.

You will soon be the death of me kitten. T'Challa thought.

He slowly crept back in bed next to Tony. He pulled the blanket over himself as well. Tony snuggled closer to T'Challa. Who didn't mind, it was nice to know that you wouldn't be alone when facing problems. They would work it out, together.

Time flies and it is now 9:34. The two were still sleeping. The might have missed breakfast, but they could make something, they were in the land of Wakanda after all. Which may be the richest land in the world, because of the vibranium and it's stock of many free, wild animals and plants. With the rich soil, many citizens and farmers are able to plant crops to sell for the Wakandian currency. The plants are also used to make and cook food, the seeds are used to replant. The animals sometimes, may go and eat the plants people are planting. Usually, it would be goats, because they eat everything. They were curious creatures after all.

Tony wakes up first this time. Turning over to yawn and stretch, he gets up. He rubs his eye to try and wake up. Man had he not gotten much sleep.

The now empty spot next to T'Challa causes him to wake up. His clothes, which are still on the bed, slowly slip off causing a big flop! noise which makes T'Challa jump. He looks down toward the ground and see it had only been his clothes. He bends off the bed to get them.

"M' still tired." Tony says.

"Well, you do what you have to do to be awake, while I," T'Challa puts all of his clothes into his arms and gets up. "Go to take my long awaited shower."

"Okay.." Tony slowly slides his eyes again until a thought strikes him. "Aww shit. I have to go back to New York!" He exclaims.

"Then off you go. Good bye, I have a shower to take." T'Challa waves bye before he enters the bathroom.

With a grunt, Tony gets up. He stretches his muscles to be more 'flexible' while he heads back home. He ruffles his hair so that he doesn't look that bad when he arrives. There was a mirror on his way out. So he looks at himself. Wow what a mess. Tony uses his hand to comb it out a little. There, much better!

Now off he goes. He calls a helicopter to come pick him up.

While waiting for it, he sees a bunch of little kids running around trying to chase the goat who had eaten their potatoes. The goat was just a little faster. Soon the children gave up and the goat fled into the forest.

When the helicopter arrives, it is very loud. Which alerts Tony that his taxi was here.

"Thanks J." Tony mutters as he enters the helicopter doors.

"That was expected of you Sir. Off we go now."

Tony takes his seat as the helicopter takes off. With no real pilot, but instead Jarvis flying it.

Meanwhile, for time to pass by, Tony starts working on the new add-ons to the Iron Man suit. It would be lighter, easier, as well as faster to put on. So there wouldn't have to be a longer wait to save the city.

He taps away until Jarvis announces that they have arrived. Tony closes the holograms and stands up.

He steps out of the helicopter on into the Avengers Tower rooftop. The helicopter takes off to go back to its original base.

Tony walks down the stairs heading to the main room. While doing that, he is on his phone. Tapping away while still making sure he doesn't trip on the steps.

Soon he makes it.

He heads toward the counter where there is a big packet, yet smaller than the Accords, waiting to be looked at.

Tony quickly grabs it and heads straight down to the workshop. Where he knew the bots would be waiting for him. Maybe even with Bruce working.

But first, he needed to change out of these old, smelly clothes.

:3 yay. I like both Ironstrange and Ironpanther. c: mostly almost everything with Tony included. (But not really Stony, Pepperony or Ironspider{?}. More like them being overprotective hehe)
Word count: 1045

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