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Ms. Warren

Narrator POV

Tony rode down the elevator, because he's come to realize that walking down a billion flights of stairs is exhausting, to where he knew Ms.Warren would be cleaning. The 5th floor.

Once he reached the 5th floor, Tony remember that he actually had no idea where he was going. That's probably why he invented an AI in the first place. Along with various other reasons of course.

"Ms.Warren is currently heading to the janitors' closet. She had just finished cleaning her second room." Jarvis said as if he read Tony's mind.

"Ah, thanks J." Tony headed to the janitors' closet.

Ms.Warren was carrying a heavy, soapy, water bucket and a mop. It looked very heavy.

"Rosa," Tony lightly tapped her shoulder, careful not to frighten her.

"Oh what a surprise Mr.Stark!" She laughed. "What can I help you with?"

"Yeah right, I was just wondering because I– well Pepper and I– were thinking about decoration for the walls, and we came up with art. And since you are one of the employees that have been working here longer, I was wondering.. What would you like to see?" Tony asked.

"Oh, well I have never felt to special. To give my opinions on things like this.. I would've never thought of being asked." She set the bucket down along with the mop. "Maybe a splash of paint? With some encouraging words on it. I think that will really help people get through their day."

Tony smiled. "That's nice, well thank you for your ideas. We will try to see what we can do. Have a good rest of your day!" Tony walked off.

"No thank you Mr.Stark, you have a great day as well!" Rosa waved away and picked her cleaning supplies back up. She continued her walk to the janitor's closet with a big, happy smile on her face.

Tony pulls out his phone and checks his new messages. Most from Peter and his common status updates, some from Pepper telling him to hurry up to meet her to discuss about the art, and one from Rhodey.

Interesting, Rhodey hardly has the time to send messages nowadays.

Tony tapped on the notification. A video popped up. At first glance, it looked like a nice scenery. With trees and short grass, it looked like he was going hiking.

Tony played the video.

Hii! Sorry for all these short updates, writer's block. But! Good news, I am off school for two weeks+ because of the Coronavirus. Hopefully I can spend more time into this story, but I have a buttload of homework. 😭
Word count : 435

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