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Credit to  BriZiculasSkits for making that its wonderful

The Talk

Narrator POV

Pepper suddenly appeared. Her pretty blue eyes staring into Tony's soul and digging the most embarrassing moments out of his life— I'm kidding this is what really happened:

"How was your walk?" Virginia "Pepper" Potts said as she smiled.

"Uh pretty good." Tony answered.

Shit I still have to get the rest of the Avengers to sign. And I'm almost done with the mark XIII. Ah crap.
He thought to himself.

"You see anything interesting on your walk?" Potts questioned.

"Just an old 'friend' from uh high school." Tony answered with an urgent tone.

"Oh? Who was it?"

"Stephen. Stephen Strange." His eyes slowly became unfocused and concentrated to the floor.

"I've never met a Stephen before.. Or have I? I don't think I have." Pepper rambled, and it was usually Tony who would be rambling.

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that–"

Tony let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and said, "Look Peps. The walk was a good idea. But I have a lot of things to do in such a little amount of time." He said to her. "I'm a busy man." Yeah cause that explained everything. Right?

"Oh okay. Well you could do that but you have a meeting at 10:30 tomorrow." She added to his pile of work.

"Yeah okay thank you." She walked past Tony and left the workshop floor.

"Now to deal with the brats." Tony sighed.


Where did I put the accords again? Oh right, the workshop.

He quickly scrambled down the stairs. Occasionally skipping down one though there where only about 9 steps.

When he got down, Dum-E greeted him with a pleasant whirr sounding like a "Welcome back father!" As his brothers, U and Butterfingers,  waved at their creator in union. Which honestly looked kinda creepy.

"Hey boys but sorry I have work to do. Can't stay here much longer." Their 'father' said as he quickly snatched up the accords.

"Bye boys I'll see you sometime later."


Finally he got in the elevator. Or maybe he should've taken the stairs. Would it be faster? Too late now because he's already in.

"Jarvis what floor is everyone on?" Tony asked.

"All the Avengers are on the common room sir. They seem to be getting ready for a movie at this time of day. I find it very peculiar."

"Thanks J. Send me there would ya?"

"Of course. It is my pleasure."

When the elevator signaled that they arrived with a ding! Tony stepped out of the big, rectangular, moving box. And they were indeed getting ready for a movie. All snuggled up with blackest and popcorn. That looked relaxing. But Tony has to ruin it with world ending problems. Seems like they also invited Clint and Laura to the party.

Clint was the first to notice. He whipped his head around so fast that that this right arm, that was on Laura's shoulder, almost choked the poor lady. Shame on you Clint.

"Look what the cat dragged in. A Tony!" Clint enthusiastically said catching everyone's attention.

"Oh just in time. We were just about to start watching..what was it called again?" Steve said also turning to look at Natasha in which she replied, "How to Train Your Dragon 2."

"Yeah well sorry but the shows going to be delayed a while." Tony took the remote and paused the movie.

"Why's that?" The Falcon asked.

"Ross got mad, at me. Which was because I got made at the paper. And I was mad at the paper because you," he pointed to Clint, Steve, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, and Ant-man, "guys haven't signed yet. Ross gave me 36 hours to get you all to sign. Which that was 24 hours ago. So we still have 12 left." Tony briefly explained. Though there were a lot more to it.

"We chose not to. We had a choice. It was our decision." Steve defended.

Tony stared at him. "Who gets a choice these days? Cause I sure as hell don't." He rethought, "Okay maybe once or twice occasionally."

Steve has nothing else to say so he looked down and suddenly had an interest for his feet that had gray socks on them.

"Yeah so to make yours' and my life easier we are all going to sign. Yeah that sounds fun doesn't it?" Tony stated.

He took out a black pen and opened up the Sokovia Accords to the "sign me" page. He then passed it to Clint who was closest to Tony.

Clint looked at the first few pages in between each section. It seems like he found something that he didn't much like because he furrowed his eyebrows. Laura looked over his arm to see what made her husband so confused.

Clint looked up at Tony, who wasn't there and instead making himself a cup of coffee. Typical Tony.

When he was finally done making his cup, he noticed that Clint was looking at him.

"What?" He asked while taking a sip from his cup of coffee.

"I don't think I will sign this." Clint said.

Tony perked his eyebrow up with confusion. "Why not? What do you disagree on?"

Clint scratches his neck. "I dunno.. I just don't like this whole 'you do what I say' thing. I'll rethink about it." Barton explained. Then passing it on to Natasha. Who which passed it to Wanda whispering "I already signed" to Clint who nodded.

Wanda glared at Stark. "I'm not signing." She declared.

Tony sipped his coffee again.

"I've already done this 'I will do what you say' thing Stark. And I refuse to do it again!" She exclaimed.

"Well the first time you did it was your choice. Your decision. You wanted to do it with your brother." Tony fought back.

The witch stood up. "You don't deserve to talk about Pietro! I only did it because you killed my parents!" Wanda shouted.

"See! You wanted to do it! No one forced you to but you did it on your own!" Tony shouted back.

"Just shut up! You are so aggravating! Ugh!" And with that she stormed out the room.

"Okay this is definitely a bad idea. Give me that." Tony walked over to the couch where all the Avengers were bundled up. He motioned to Natasha to pass him the Accords.

Once he got the accords he put his pen buck in his pocket. "This is not gonna work out. So I guess this bad boy is getting a diaper change."

"Continue watching your movie. I'll leave."

Or he took it to the letter the next day to figure out something with the other leaders to change the Accords.

And so he left them to watch the animated movie. It's not even the original!

Ey there again. I have brought to you another update. It's meh. Anyway I hope u enjoyed this chapter. I don't even know how my trash story is almost at 200 reads but I am not gonna complain.
Word count: 1221

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