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Hellooo Inspiration

Narrator POV

*Plop!" Tony's feet went as they jumped over the last two stairs.

Floor 67..Oh! Floor 67!

The door opened and the bright lights shined over Tony's whole body, brightening up the dark, hollow staircase.

Shielding his eyes, Tony walked through, the door slowly closing as he steps in.

He removed his hand from over his eyes when the light wasn't as blinding as before. Tony was on one of the 'storage' floors.

The storage floors were not exactly for keeping all the things that aren't being used. It's more like, 'I'll come back for you,' but they would usually forget about it and someone else would take it claiming it as theirs. So it's like 'finders keepers, losers weepers.'

If you were to actually find something valuable in there, you'd be lucky.

It was mostly like empty Starbucks drinks, which gross, plastic bags, and other weird things. But there would actually be a brand new pair of earrings someone somehow left in the storage room. Sure there was some old, rusty nails and screws here and there, but there was mostly recyclable trash. So actually it would be more of a dumpster dive. The janitors would all get together on one specific day to put everything in garbage and recycle bags to throw it away. Or the storage room would actually be a landfill. (They get paid extra for that.)

Oh yeah, Billy the broken blender was in there too. (p.s. it was Wacky Wednesday.)

"Hey Billy." Tony wrote on a sticky note and placed it on Billy.

There was a tradition in the tower where whenever someone comes into this storage room, they would greet Billy on a sticky note and put it somewhere on his plastic blender body. The janitors don't throw him out, but give him a good wash instead.

 The janitors don't throw him out, but give him a good wash instead

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What am I here for again?

Tony walked around the room in circles trying to figure out why he was here again. His feet kicked some junk once in a while causing other pieces of junk to move.

He tried recalling on what he needed from this nasty area. But his brain didn't cooperate like how he wanted it to.

Clean up? No, definitely not. Inspiration? For what? Art? Art. Art!

He got it, Tony was here for art. Ideas for art. But why here? Why not online or something?

Because everything online is copied off something else.

Tony wanted something original. Something unique, different from what they expected.

A surprise.

He would surprise them. The employees, so they wouldn't have to daze off into an empty looking wall. They would be able to look at color, art.

There wasn't much. But there was more than any of the other rooms. Some papers were scattered across the desktop, writing, drawings, doodles. One of the papers had a drawing of a fading dragon that was red and purple. Half drawn, given up at the end of the head, start of the upper body. It looked smudged, a mess up. But it was still art.

What am I going for? What would they like to see?

Suddenly, Tony came up with a brilliant idea.

He would ask the employees. They would be seeing it anyway. So why see something you don't like, when you can see something you enjoy?

Tony went back towards the elevator. He's been using it a lot recently. A soft, peaceful, little *beep!* came when the elevator button was pressed. Tony rode down the many floors.

He would ask Ms. Warren first.

The beauty of art can be enjoyed by everyone. But Billy the Broken Blender is the only one that catches my eye. I love you Billy 💕.
Word count : 619

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