The first thing i noticed was the large windows and the dark interior, it was like the temperature dropped, like we were in another dimension, the office looks expensive but it has no feelings attached to it. I look around trying to take everything in, a typical office setting.

"Here is the new interior designer sir" the lady whispered timidly. His he that scary. Even i was scared to look, if his employees were that scared then what is my fate?.

"You may go" he spoke gruffly, his voice deep. I stay still as the voice sounds absolutely familiar. I look towards the desk to see a grown man in suit, his heads down in paper work, his head full of brown hair with blonde tips.

When he looked up, time stands still as we both froze in shock.

My throat turns dry as i stared into the green eyes i fell in love with, the same green eyes who looks shocked to see me.

The same green eyes that use to assure me that everything will be alright...

The same green that do stare at me with love and care...

That same green eyes looked shock to see me..

That same green that has been hunting me in my dreams...

That same green eyes was staring at me with contempt and disdain.

"Miss Martinez" his voice strained, frosty and clipped as i gawk like a fish on drug. "You can have a seat"

Oh no... Hunter Knight..

Knight.. Why didn't i think of it?!

Hunter Knight is my boss...

My ex is my freaking boss!.


I sniffed then blew my nose into a disposable tissue staring blankly at my laptop. I just finished a round of tears. Ever since i came back from the office, i have indulged myself in the act of crying.

He gave me the job for which am thankful but what got me so moody and sad was his attitude towards. He pretended as if he never saw me before. He kept everything so strict and professional. He even went to the extent of asking me why i choose that course of study, as if he didn't know.

What hurt the most was him pretending to have forgotten my name, it was embarrassing as i kept correcting him yet childish on his part.

He deserve an Oscar for his acting, expect for the look of shock on his face when we first lock eyes, he showed no emotions after that. His last words to me as been hunting me.

"You shouldn't have come here.."

The words were faint but i heard it.

I still don't understand why he called off the relationship. He left me when i needed him the most, i trusted him when he said he will love and protect me but here we are acting and behaving like strangers.

He looks different... His muscles more built up and he looks more good looking. The position suits him because he looks more intimidating than before.

I remember those time when we will cuddle up and i will let my wandering hands have a fill of his toned chest and muscles. I will ask questions about his few tattoos in which he will explain to me while i trace them with my fingers.

Those time he will always beg me to cook for him in which i will teach him basic steps and cooking skill in the kitchen.

All those times we will sit with my family and friends and i will catch him staring at him, instead of him to look away, he will wink at me or mouth 'I love you' in which i will turn beetroot red.

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