“Nice to meet you too Mr. Radke,” I said, smiling at him politely.

                “You kids better head out before you’re late to your senior ball. You both look so handsome,” Mr. Radke said, reaching out a shaking arm and gently stroking Alex’s cheek since he was the closest.

                “Yea, we’ll head out,” Collin said, leaning down and kissing his father’s cheek. “Bye dad. Love you.”

                “I love you too Collin. Have fun. And be good to your brother and his date,” Mr. Radke said.

                Collin nodded and pulled his date out of the room. Alex leaned down and also kissed his dad’s cheek.

                “Bye dad. I love you,” he said.

                “Bye Alex. Have fun. And have patience with your brother’s homophobia. I love you kid,” Mr. Radke said, winking at Alex.

                Alex chuckled softly and led me out of the room. We entered the living room and Mrs. Radke forced the four of us to pose for pictures before allowing us to leave.

                “We’re driving up in my car Alex. I’ll meet you at the dance,” Collin said as he moved towards his car with Bri.

                “Okay Collin,” Alex said before following me over to my car.

                Alex and I got in my car and I turned on my iPod before pulling out of his driveway and following behind Collin’s car. Alex turned on the heat in the car since it was cold and we relaxed in comfortable silence.

                “You’re dad is nice,” I said, just to break the silence.

                Alex smiled softly and nodded. “Yea, he is. He’s really nice.”

                “How long has he had lung cancer?” I asked.

                Alex stared at me in surprise. “How did you know he has lung cancer?” he asked.

                I nearly face-palmed myself. Oh yea. I forgot Alex wasn’t the one who had told me that. “Uh…Gage told me,” I said awkwardly.

                “Oh,” Alex said, still looking slightly confused. “Well, he was diagnosed when I was three. It got really bad when I was four, and he never really recovered.”

                I reached over and gripped his hand. “I’m sorry,” I said.

                “It’s okay. He stays in good spirits,” Alex said, offering me a small smile. But his eyes were sad, and I wanted to change that. Hell, I would change that. Tonight, I would make him so, so happy.

                “It’s been making me sad, ‘cause I can’t find a better way to speak the words I want to say to you. And know how I love you, know how I need you,” the music sang.

                Alex squeezed my hand and I smiled at him, pulling into the parking lot of the place the dance was being held at. I parked and we got out of the car, going over to where Collin and Bri were waiting.

                We went inside and handed our tickets over before going into a large room where a ton of kids were. Some were on the dance floor, dancing along to the music that was vibrating the room. Others were sitting at tables, talking or eating.

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