Chapter 34

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I didn't flicker so far away needing a walk and fresh air to wash some thoughts away before seeing the Hokage.

It didn't help.

I just stood staring at the door hoping to receive some good news or maybe even a mission to focus on something else. But there was only one way to know, so I quickly slid the door open and walked in. I bowed in respect before looking up so Lady Tsunade could speak. I spotted Kakashi and Guy by the desk so I nodded in greeting as I walked to stand beside Kakashi. "Now that everyone is here, I have an S-rank mission. There was a threat sent to the Southest Village Satomi, or more so their princess." Lady Hokage said as she handed the scroll to Kakashi, who stood in the middle. I glanced over at the scroll before looking at Lady Tsunade, "And your sending us to protect the princess, right?" I asked as Kakashi handed me the scroll after Guy looked over it, but as I looked down it seems a photo of me was there. "Well, actually I want you undercover as the princess as Kakashi will be your bodyguard and Guy will be undercover as the head of national guard." She explained making me gulp. I just stared at the picture, even our eyes seemed alike.

"You need to leave tonight to reach the village by tomorrow in time for the honorary festival they are holding for her

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"You need to leave tonight to reach the village by tomorrow in time for the honorary festival they are holding for her."

As Kakashi and I packed I couldn't help but groan... "and what has you so moody?" He asked ashe hugged me from behind... "Princesses." I groaned leaning back into him, he chuckled as he nuzzled his lips against my neck. "It's not funny, I serious... all they ever do is complain about the smallest of things." I grumbled before spinning around to face him as I heightened my voice in annoying pitch, "Oh you ninja,  always getting in the way and saving me. I want this... I want that..." I fake gagged as I rolled my eyes. "Well, tomorrow you'll be a princess." He teased as had a stupid grin on his unmasked face. "Ugh..." I dragged on leaning back with all my weight pulling Kakashi with me as I fell back on the bed.

"Took you two long enough." Guy spoke as he pulled at the straps of his backpack when Kakashi and I came walking in a calm manner towards him with Kakashi's arm around my shoulders. "Sorry about that Guy, we saw a black cat cross the road and had to take the long route." Kakashi excuses. "We didn't want any bad luck on this mission." I finished making Guy grin brightly accepting our lame excuse. "Well we lost a bit of time, so... we will have to run there or what about we race there?" Guy said starting his long line of challenges that Kakashi and I kept denying.

After a long journey we finally made it, but nevermind resting. The moment I stepped foot into the village many villagers came crowding around us as if they had never seen ninjas. People grouped together as they watched us walking through the streets looking for the palace. When we finally got there, there was no one at the door to welcome us so we were left knocking on it a few times. When we almost gave up... someone opened the door. It was a male dressed in very wealthy clothes and he held himself with such grace and elegance. "Lady Mei? How did you get outside? And who are these gentlemen?"he asked looking directly at me, I shook my head. "I'm sorry sir, but you are mistaken. I am Hira of the leaf, may I ask to speak with your Lord?" I asked and he seemed equally as surprised by this as my comrades, who of which thought I might just lunge at him for mistaking that I was a snobby princess since I had been complaining the whole trip here. "It's alright Rikishika, I am expecting them." A deep voice said from behind the door that this Rikishika was clinging to. He finally stepped back letting us into this grand and traditional room with a man standing off to the side where some candles were being lit. I watched the man as he turned around seeing the amount of guards in the room and the way that the man was dressed made me realize that this was a man with a lot of authority and of high status. He finally turned around after he lit the last candle and blew out the match of where the fame danced along the long stick.

"Ah, the leaf has finally arrived. My name is Lord Arikuzu and you must be the girl that will be playing as my daughter, am I correct?" He asked pointing a very bony finger at me, I nodded and bowed in respect. "Yes sir, my name is Hira Uchiha Hyuga. And these are my comrades." I started straightening up. I showed to my left, "This is Kakashi Hatake and he's Captain of this mission." Kakashi bowed greeting our client. "And to his left is Might Guy." I finally introduced everyone taking a step back a bit so that Kakashi could now take the stage of speaking and explaining the plan to the Lord.

"Daddy..." a voice came through the room just as Kakashi was finishing the 'meeting'.
A mirror image of myself came walking into the room and straight to Lord Arikuzu kissing his cheek. "Daddy..." she started again before turning and spotting us. Her eyes trailing over Kakashi making me want to snap her neck myself, but then her eyes trailed over to me. The purple orbs identical to mine widened as she ran up to me touching my face and picking up strands of my hair. "Daddy, where did you get this doll that looks like me." I growled in warning making the princess step back in surprise. "I'm not a doll..." I grumbled as I crossed my arms over my chest, he huffed and stomped her foot. "I want a doll that looks like me."she said spinning  around to look at her father as I glanced at Kakashi giving him the 'I told you so' look to which he only smiled at me. I was about to mouth a snarky remark at him when the princess spun around to look at me. "Follow me."she just said before pulling at me wrist not giving me a choice in the matter.

"If you're going to be me... then you need to wear something much better than those rags." She rudely said as she dragged me through doors all along the hallway and into a red and white painted room. When we were deep into the room she let's go of my wrist and walked to large double doors.   "I only have to dress like you, when I'm outside as you." I remarked as I started snooping around looking at decorations in her room and picture frames with beautiful flowers on them. Inside the frames were her smiling brightly as she and her father hugged with her mother, I'm guessing, smiling down at the pair. Other frames were of her and her mother alone or with her father alone, some were of her smiling brightly as she held something and showing it off. I scoffed. I glanced to the busy girl feeling a bit jealous, she has a mother and father whom loves her, an amazing house and hadn't even a clue on how it feels to loose someone.

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