Chapter 12

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As Kakashi stood with his two crutches tucked under his arms he explained the exercise to the group of Genin before us. He looked over at me, "Hira..." he started but I waved him off already knowing what he intended for me, I closed my eyes holding the Ram hand sign to focus my chakra to my feet quicker as well as helping them see how to do it for beginners like them.

Once the chakra laid evenly spread out in the bottom of my feet I calmly walked to a tall tree and climbed it without using my hands

Kakashi threw down three kunai in front of the Genin's feet, "Use these kunai to mark your progress. I want you to reach the very top of the tree." he said and the three started, "Hey Kakashi, I'll watch them, you get some rest." I said walking back down the tree, the grey-haired ninja nodded and left to lay back down, I'm just glad he isn't as stubborn as our little blonde student over there. I though glancing over to Naruto who fell back on his head as my half-brother jumped back. I shook my head at the two, they didn't listen to what I said yesterday.

"I did it!" I heard someone cheer fr9m above, I smiled at the pinkette sitting with her feet swaying around. "Now see that, someone used their brain." I pointed up to Sakura as the two boys grumble. "Well done, Sakura."

After a few moments of training I sent Sakura to the bridge builder for the rest of the day after Naruto had come and asked for advice. "Well guys, I'm heading back, I might need to help with preparing dinner. Be back for dinner." I said before jumping off to the house.

As it was getting dark out and the table was set with steaming food, Naruto and Sasuke haven't returned yet, but they were probably on their way. So we all gathered around the table just as the door opened to Sasuke supporting Naruto with one of his arms over his shoulders. "I see training is going well." I giggled as the two separated in a heartbeat walking or limping towards their seats on either side of the table. I between Sasuke and Tsunami.

As we all silently ate my eyes shifted over to the younger kid beside Naruto, Tsunami's son. She hasn't met him directly, but his mother talked about hin a lot, she even mentioned his father figure... Kaiza. She told me of his murder by the man who is trying to kill Tazuna. I switched my gaze to the older man, I just thought this man was an old good for nothing drunk, but really he was his people's savior and only hope.

Sakura wondered over to the picture of the family on the wall, a piece at the tip torn off every so gently. I already knew what that was about so I tuned out the rest of the conversation missing the part when Inari left. "Um, Hira... You okay?" Kakashi asked waving a hand in front of my face, "Huh, yeah I'm fine... What gives you the impression that I'm not fine?" I shot back in defense of how I probably looked weird doing what even I was doing to make him think that.

"You were staring at that fish smiling," Kakashi comments as he points to the fish I was still holding with my chopsticks. I blushed, even worse than I thought. "Sorry, I was just deep in thought, maybe I'm just tired." I quickly said still embarrassed as I quickly popped the fish into my mouth, very unladylike, and stood up with my bowl to rinse it off then leave upstairs. Was just at the bottom stairs, blushing more as I turned to Tsunami." Um, Tsunami... Where will I be sleeping tonight?" I asked as the previous day I had taken watch not feeling tired as my 'Mission Mode' was on overdrive with Kakashi hurt.

"Oh, sorry Hira, but we don't have another room for you to stay in-" Tsunami said feeling guilty for no reason, but was cut off by Kakashi. "She can room with me," he said calmly, my eyes grew a bit as I smiled awkwardly and nodded then ran upstairs.

"Why am I so awkward?" I mumbled having a small argument, which I was loosing, with my mind. It just kept coming up blank as I was mumbling. I stopped halfway down the hall when I heard crying from behind the door on my right. I didn't need any of my Kekkei Genkai to know who was behind door number 1.

Unmasked Hearts ×××Kakashi LS Book 2×××Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant