Chapter 7

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After a moment of warmth and comfort from one another, the two had pulled apart to continue on eating and talking about what they wanted to do the next day, but Hira was going to have one hell of a surprise tomorrow, and then ended the night round about 10 o'clock according to the moon. With a goodbye wave from each, they headed their separate ways home for a good night's rest.

The early morning wasn't the girl's thing and going to bed at 10 didn't really help, so she woke up at 11:30 in the morning and had rolled out of bed lazily to get dressed.

And let's just say that when she finally got to the grounds she was met with the kids yelling at Kakashi. She groaned looking at the group, "What's all the ruckus about?" she asked a bit sleepy making the heated glares of the two over-energized kids and the emo brother of hers fall to her.

"YOU'RE LATE TOO!" Sakura and Naruto yelled in unison, but the female didn't really mind all of this and only responded with a small yawn and a stretch. "Well, I didn't really get the time we had to meet up... And as I said before... I'm lazy." the girl dragged on the last word showing how bad she really is at being sparky.

"I guess I'll explain the survival test," Kakashi said looking over at his tired co-captain that nodded with another yawn escaping her lips. "It's simple really, you see these two bells... You have to get it from us. One Hira would be holding onto and the other I would have." Kakashi said snapping the girl out of her exhausted state, she stared at him. "That's not what we talked about." she whispered to him and he nodded at her, "but that's how I did things all these years." he talked softly towards the girl looking into her eyes, and that's when she realized that this was to honor their sensei to only train those who are worthy of it. Those who would use teamwork.

She smiled lightly at him before turning to the group," Those who fail will be sent back to the academy and will be tied to those post watching us eat our lunch." she said as if reading Kakashi's mind  Kakashi pulled out a clock and placed it on the stump, "Here it's set for noon." he said pushing the top to start the timer.

"Wait a minute there are only two bells and three of us!" Sakura pointed out, the female looked over at Kakashi not really feeling like explaining it so he took the lead. "That way at least one of you will end up tied to a post and sent back to the academy. But yet again, all three of you can also fail." Kakashi explains looking over at Hira to explain the rules knowing full well she already knew them by heart. "You can use any weapon you wish even Shurikens and Kunai-" Hira started until the annoying Haruno girl interrupted her, "But sensei, those weapons are too dangerous." Hira went to reply snarkily at her when Naruto piped up with a laugh pointing at Kakashi "Yeah especially if Kakashi-sensei couldn't even dodge an eraser!" he laughed, but it didn't really affect Kakashi, "Class clowns are usually the weakest links, lowest scores and losers." he simply said striking a nerve in the kid, but Hira took this as her chance to finish the rules. "You all have until noon, so you better come at us with the intent to kill. When Kakashi says start we will begin," she said taking the bell Kakashi handed her.

And right before Kakashi could say start the knucklehead blonde came at him with his kunai. Kakashi reacted without even blinking he had grabbed his hand holding the kunai and twisted his arm around holding the kunai to the back of his head. The team seemed surprised, but not Hira she only rolled her eyes at how he just has to show off, but yet again so would she.

"Don't be in such a hurry, I haven't even said start..." Kakashi started as he let the groaning blonde go, the Genin all took several steps back a bit scared of their teacher. "But you did come at me with the intent of destroying me... so how can I say this... I'm starting to like you guys." Hira smiles at him as she pinned the bell onto her waistband as Kakashi did, but hers was at the back where she couldn't see it, and that caught Sasuke's attention. He was set on attacking Hira for the bell, wanting to see how strong she really was, to see if he was strong enough to beat his brother.

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