Chapter 18

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When I woke the day of the Chunin exams I felt ecstatic, it was the day after I was sick and Kakashi had already left. Luckily I felt much better so I won't be missing this date with Kakashi, but first was seeing the three Genin into the exam. I got up for a shower and dress in my normal red and white outfit with all three my necklaces around my neck in full view. I looked at the two necklaces that resemble the two clans I had inherited.

It was a bit later the day when I entered the academy catching our two gatekeepers standing behind a door out of view of the Genin who had entered.  "Kotetsu? Izumo? What are you two doing here?" I asked looking at them, the two jump as they were caught and started mumbling something, "We were asked to test the Genin who wants to enter."  Izumo nervously stated embarrassed as the two looked at me. As Kotetsu took a step forward. "So Hira, heard you're still single..." Kotetsu trailed off leaning forward wiggling his eyebrows, I could only giggle at him. "You're quite the jokester, Kotetsu." I giggled walking off to the entrance not seeing the look on his face that just showed disbelief as Izumo chuckled at him. 

I was halfway down the hall hearing an all too familiar voice of an old friend. I smiled, "The fact is I'm stronger than Kakashi and faster."

"You see, Guy-sensei is the best there is." I heard Lee say as I walked silently to the steps and stood just at the top. "I'm sorry for the trouble we've caused you, look into my eyes and accept my sincere apology also notice my handsome manly features," Guy said to Sasuke. "Guy... Quite harassing my students before I kick your ass." I announced as everyone finally realized my presence. All eyes turned up to me, I raised a challenging eyebrow at Guy who's physique changed when he saw me. "Ah, Konoha's beautiful Lotus Flower has arrived," he smiled when I finally reached them, "You know Hira-sensei too?" Sakura said looking creeped out, "Yes I do, for she the woman who holds my heart... the reason why Kakashi is not just my rival in the ninja work, but also my love rival." he dramatically clutched his fist above his heart with fake tears. I rolled my eyes walking to stand beside Guy. "You're being dramatic again Guy," I said not even bothered to argue about what he was being dramatic about, because we had debated on that topic years ago.   

"Now, I have to go... I'll see you three when you are done here." I pointed to my students and started walking off to the hallway where I knew Kakashi would be waiting when suddenly I was stopped by a voice calling out to me. Footsteps made their way to me as a hand took mine in theirs. "So lovely Hira, have you finally accepted my offer from all those years ago?" he asked making me grimace at the memories I had from our encounters. 

"You mean offers Guy, as in plural, and you know that I can't accept. You know very well that I don't have those feelings for you Guy. You're an amazing and youthful man and sometimes a bit much... for me. So I still can't accept your offer, Guy." I stated truthfully and confidently unlike back in the day where I would either avoid the offer or just be very shy whilst rejecting him, which never got the stage across. Hopefully it does this time.  Guy seemed indifferent as his smile stood brightly on his face, "I will one day win you over!" he yelled before spoofing away, I was the one left defeated after that... "Why is he so dense, nothing gets through to him," I grumbled on my way to the entrance. Upon arrival Kakashi looked up at me, his face seemed neutral as usual, but his eyes held a gleam in them. "I see you're feeling better." he stated going back to his book, I groaned walking up to him and grabbing the book from him, "please tell me you're at the good part by now?" I asked reading what's on the page. I giggled, "Oh you're at that part..." I teased at the blushing Kakashi. I gave him a wide smile finding his behaviour amusing, "Wait... Did you read this book?" Kakashi asked snapping out of his tomato state. I was just about to answer, but my lips didn't even get a chance to open as our students appeared.

"Huh, Kakashi-sensei? What are you doing here?" the blue-eyed blonde spoke quizzically. Our little conversation stopped as Kakashi and I made turns explaining things to them, about how all three had to enter otherwise they couldn't proceed and luckily Sakura joined them. I was proud of them for taking on this challenge and so as they walked in I smiled with such pride that I probably radiated this emotion.

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