Chapter 31

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I'm not sure how much time I missed after passing out from bloodloss, but I was awake when Master Jiriaya and Naruto returned with Lady Tsunade. It was just a day or two from when I woke up, I was with Kakashi when they entered. She was a bit intimidating when she strolled in her hair whipped side to side as she walked  her heels clinking on the tile floor. I still remember her somewhat from years ago when I saw her, but that was ages ago and I didn't talk to her. I could only stare at her in amazement, she's someone every aspiring kunoichi wants to be.

As the intimidating silence filled the room with only the sound of her heels breaking it another loud noise broke through the room. "WE'RE BACK!" My loud knuckleheaded student cheered as he brightly grinned walking into the room. I couldn't help but sigh as Lady Tsunade started yelling at Naruto to be quiet and he was yelling back at her. "Naruto... just stop talking for a minute." I grumbled as I covered his mouth with my hand. Lady Tsunade seemed to be relieved that he stopped yelling as she sighed. "So Lady Tsunade, is Kakashi going to wake up soon?" I asked, I really did miss him. I missed how he would wait for me outside my door if he didn't stay the night, I miss making him blush about the pervy book he reads. I miss seeing his lazy expression and his lame excuses, I just really miss him.

"Most likely today after he's healed mentally." She spoke as she looked over to my boyfriend. My eyes brightened up as my heart felt wanted jump out of my throat with joy, I didn't notice my hand slipping off of Naruto's face until I felt it hit my side limply.

But mentally I was trying to pull myself together again, and kept repeating the words. "O..okay, just  please do what you can." I whispered before smiling up at the woman I idolise. She didn't seem that phased by me  or how I reacted before, but she nodded and turned to start alongside the female that held a small pig. "Naruto, why don't we wait outside to give them more space." Master Jiriaya said and I knew he was talking to both me and the blonde so I followed them both out and into the hall.

As the secondes ticked away, we stood in the hall, Naruto had seated himself against the wall beside me as I leaned against it. Jiriaya-sensei was across us also leaning against his wall with his eyes closed and arms crossed. Whilst leaning against the wall my eyes kept trailing over to the door waiting for it to open, I knew the moment it opens that I wouldn't be leaving it until I saw that one Onyx eye open.

"So you and Kakashi, huh?" Jiriaya-sensei finally spoke, breaking the silence filled hall. My head snapped to face him as my eyes widened and searched him for something, I'm not sure what... maybe answers on how he knew.

I felt Naruto's questioning blue orbs on me, but my eyes stayed on my Sensei waiting for him to continue. "What, you think I wouldn't figure it out. You're my student after all." He spoke opening his eyes to which I avoid as my cheeks flared up into a vibrant red. "Well... it's just shocking to know that someone has figured it out." I grumbled looking to the floor with my cheeks making me feel like I'm burning. Master Jiriaya suddenly burst out laughing as he clutched his stomach. It kind of felt as if he was mocking me or something, but I didn't react to his laughing fit as he started to finally calm down.

"Do you really think that nobody has noticed how you guys are always together?" He retorted looking me over to see if I really did believe that, I shook my head little a bit shocked that I did. I guess deep down I kind of figured. "Wait... what's going on?" Naruto asked making me finally realise we had an audience and that made my entire face become as red as my cheeks. "Really Naruto?" Master Jiriaya sighed as he rested his forehead in the palm of his hand. "Can we please change the subject?" I mumbled trying to calm my rapid beating heart and heated face.

When my blush finally settled to just a light pink dust on my cheeks the door finally opened and Lady Tsunade came walking out. "It's done and he's awake." I nodded and started walking to the door to where Lasy Tsunade entered again. "Thank you Lady Tsunade." I thanked her with a small smile of gratitude. She simply nodded before lecturing Kakashi about being taken out by two low lives to which I cleared my throat, "With all due respect Lady Tsunade, those aren't that easy to defeat seeing as they are in the Akatsuki. So their skills must be top notch." I spoke as I could see Kakashi's defeated look just before I spoke. When he realised I entered the room and defended his pride, his face seemed to get some life in it. I shot him a smile as he walked around the group I had almost hidden behind with Guy behind me jumping around probably also eager to see him. I sat down in the edge of the bed and took his hand in mine.

The moment my small hand was in his large ones he gave it a squeeze reassuring me and I returned the favor. "Alright  just one more then you'reall done!" I heard Naruto yell and Guy jumped in as he pointed and trippled in one spot "Just Lee, his right next door." He kept going on as he practically dragged poor Lady Hokage out.

I could help but giggle as I watched them leave, finally feeling the happiness I longed for since Kakashi fell unconscious. I heard a hum of satisfaction from where Kakashi sat so my head turned over to have him in my view. I felt such joy seeing him awake, my free hand lightly cupped his face. "Are you okay? Like mentally I mean? Any trauma you want to talk about?" He just smiled at me, with the mask still casting the shadows, his free hand took my hand off his face as he held onto unto. "I'm fine." He tried jokingly say, but I shook my head. "It should've been me, you shouldn't have gone through that. You didn't deserve any of that what you might've experienced in there." His hands slipped out of mine as it went up to cup my face, "You don't deserve that torture either." he sweetly whispered to me as he pulled my face closer so he could rest his forehead against mine. "Sometimes I think I do." I whispered under my breath as my hands held onto his as he still clung to my face. "After what I did... I'm just glad you're back... I missed you." I could feel my voice cracking as my eyes shut trying to keep the tears from escaping. "I missed you too." He whispered  before he lifted his head off of leaning against mine and kissed my forehead softly wavering there before pulling away and pulling me closer.

He laid back down and pulled me with him as we just laid there somethingpopped into my head.

"Naruto find out that Sasuke's my brother... he made me promise to tell Sasuke when I get the chance to..." I stopped for a bit as I felt Kakashi's warm breath against my neck as he settled his chin in the crook of my neck. "So what are you going to do?" He asked calmly, he seemed to be on the verge of sleeping. "I have to tell him... but I'm just... I'm just afraid of how he will react." I sighed looking at the door before me feeling safe in Kakashi's arms, I missed this. "I'll be there... right beside you." He said as his arms, that where around my torso, gave me a squeeze in comfort. "But rest now love, I can tell you barely slept while was asleep." He spoke so kindly, such as a melody.

"For you... anything." I mumbled feeling the relaxing atmosphere take over my tiresome body, that I had been pushing on overdrive with Kakashi's absence.

Unmasked Hearts ×××Kakashi LS Book 2×××Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora