Chapter 33

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Since Sasuke had been busy and I was too, I didn't get around to the promise I made to Naruto, who kept harassing me about it.

Was it bad of me to be a little glad that I got a mission outside of the village?

Perhaps it was a little, but I had to figure out a way to tell him in a way that he would not hate me... but who am I kidding...

It was an S-rank mission I had, there was a sudden disaster in a village nearby with gang wars and some other criminals hanging around and harassing the villagers. It wasn't that big of a job that's why I didn't get a squad to help me, but it took quite long to finish. By the time I had returned to Konoha I got the news that Sasuke was back in the hospital after he got in a battle with a rogue ninja on his mission. And of course I headed there immediately after reporting back to Lady Tsunade, but the moment I came into the room he was in... I found it empty.

"Where are they?" I mumbled looking around, there were apple pieces on the floor and a broken plate, the bed sheets were thrown to the side. I stepped forward and touched the bed. "It's still a bit warm... they're not far." I turned around and started walking out, I literally just reached the dirt ground and the stuffy warm air just hit my face when I heard Sakura yelling out in distress. "That came from above?" I spoke activating my Byakugan to spot them on the roof of the hospital. The black and white scene I got terrifying to not only my mental state but emotional one too.

As I leaped up to the roof my lavender colored eyes faded away. A streak of green and silver lining beside me as I headed for Sasuke's arm that held bright blue lightning chakra. I grabbed his wrist and threw him to the water tank destroying it rather than Naruto, who Kakashi had stopped and did the same.

"WHAT WERE YOU GUYS THINKING!" I yelled anger turning to fury as Kakashi just calmly stood beside me. He rested his hand on my shoulder, calming me, before jumping onto the water tank by Sasuke and I did the same with Naruto. "Naruto..." I simply said looking down at him. "I know...I'm sorry." He said practically a whisper. "Sorry doesn't bring someone back from the dead..." I calmly said, I could feel his overwhelming emotions and the fox stirring within him. We watched the other two, but then Sasuke just hummed and left not really interested in what Kakashi had said. I glanced over at Kakashi fearing that I lost another brother, he just smiled slightly as if easing my worries before he left.

"Hira-sensei." I heard Sakura below, I could see the worry and fear in her eyes, the eyes Rin always held when Kakashi and Obito would fight. I fought back the lump in my throat as I jumped down in front of her and pulled her into my arms. Rin always needed a hug, not in front of the others though only if there was no other way. Sakura is almost just like Rin in some ways and even though I didn't like her in the beginning after she tried being snarky with me back when I had to list the teams, but she started growing on me every time I saw bit of Rin in her.

I felt my clothes dampen a bit so I rubbed her back in comfort, we're still not close but she's still my student and she's just as worried for Sasuke as I am. "Hira-sensei." She sobbed as I kept her in a strong hold. "Don't worry Sakura, life has a way of figuring things out." Was all I could say, I couldn't lie to her and say things will be alright, because I don't know if they are going be.

I heard Naruto jump down as he walked closer, Sakura pulled away and stepped back to look at Naruto, that looked a bit distraught. "What is it Naruto?"she asked kindly as Naruto looked so angry. "Look Sakura... this is between us... so stay out of it." I growled at him, "That's very harsh Naruto, she was trying to help-" he cuts me off. "And when are you going to tell him that you're his sister!? The only reason he's still going after his brother is because he thinks he doesn't have anything left!" He yelled out my fire started up again as I glared down at him. "You don't know everything Naruto..." I very calmly growled as I turned on my heels and walked off. I knew he was right and I was being selfish to not let him in... to not tell him the full truth.

I decided to go after Kakashi to go talk to my brother. When I got there I could tell Kakashi got through to Sasuke and he soon left. I leaped down to the branch, "You're too late, Kakashi already lectured me." he grumbled looking defeated. I shook my head and sat down, "That's not what I'm here for..." his head shot up "I'm here to apologise..." I whispered as I looked up at the sky feeling myself dreading what's to come. "What do you mean?" He asked, "You did nothing wrong... Kakashi told me about how you guys lost everything... so why are you apologising?" He questioned looking intently at me seeking answers. "I apologise for my past... I'm only human and surely you know people make mistakes..." I finally glanced down at him, I could feel some tears. "My past wasn't the best... just like Kakashi's, some deaths my fault other's I could've tried to stop... but there was one thing that laid much harder on my heart..." my small smile from before fell as I looked at Sasuke. He was silent... still, unmoving and that's what made me feel even more afraid. "You remember that story I told you..." I started and he nodded, "that girl in the story, she..." the oxygen in my lungs got stuck as I found it hard to form the words. "She... uh... she's..." I could see the anger building and the frustration so I pulled my words together before he blew up. "She's right here... where she should've been years ago." I finally got out releasing so much air as some weight got lifted off of my shoulder. I stared at him, he just sat there speechless staring agape at me. "I should've been there." I mumbled looking down at my hands fiddling with one another in my lap.

"I don't have any excuse that's good enough for not being here in your time of need... I guess I was never a good sister, now was I?" I sighed wiping the tears from my face just before they fell. We sat there in silence as an ANBU appeared on the branch beside us. "The Fifth Hokage has requested to see you."he said and I nodded not looking at him, he disappeared soon after that but I didn't move. "I understand if you hate me Sasuke and I won't blame you for it. You just have the right to know and I would hate it if you heard it from someone else. I don't ask for you to forgive me either, just that... someday you understand that I wasn't in the right mind set to help you... stupid excuse... I know." I sighed getting up before body flickering away.

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