Chapter 15

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It's been a week and luckily they got the true lesson of the test, just in time as Guy finished his mission and my team returned from theirs. Kakashi filled me in on what happened and I cursed myself for not being there, Sasuke almost died and Naruto had released some of the Nine-Tails' chakra.

But at least everyone is alive, Sasuke was in the hospital getting his wounds treated and I was right by his side. I let the others have some rest as I stood and watched the doctor healing and wrapping him up in bandages. "You can leave you know, I'll be fine," he grumbled as the doctor turned to go get the paperwork, I shook my head at him. I felt guilty for not being there for him, he's my little brother. I promised not only myself, but also Itachi to look after him and the very first things that happened was his near-death experience.

The doctor came back holding out the paperwork for me, as I had told them to so that I could sign them. I was legally his guardian, just like Jiraiya was Naruto's... Not that he's been here a lot.

I signed and filled in the blanks where it was needed, feeling his eyes on me. "Why are you signing my papers!" he grumbled, but I ignored him looking at this one part I wasn't sure of, but could you blame me. This was my first time filling in one of these for someone else.

"Dang it... I messed this one up." I said placing the clipboard down and exiting the room to find the doctor for a new form. When I came back with a new form, I saw the other missing from the table. I looked around trying to find it when a small voice broke through my thoughts." Why did you put down yourself as my Guardian? Did you know my parents?" Sasuke asked holding onto the clipboard with his form. I sighed at the slip-up.

I should've taken the form with me, but even so he would've asked me why I was filling it in, but then I could've said it was because I was his teacher.

I rubbed my temples to ease the ache I just created for myself.

"Um... Well..." I couldn't find the words to answer him without knowing, I still don't know why Fugaku would put me as his youngest son's guardian. Hell, he didn't even like me, but when I read his will after returning I just knew why.

"Why don't we grab some dinner then I'll explain?" I asked trying to ease the tension in the air. He glared at me, trying to break me, but when he saw that it wasn't going to work his gaze softened before he gave me a nod.

I finished filling in the paperwork and gave it back in, after a while we were able to leave. We grabbed some rice balls to go before going to a quieter spot.

"So, tell me... Why..." Sasuke seemed so lost in his words tugging at my heart, "Well, let me tell you a story, before I explain." I said taking the last bit of the rice ball into my mouth, when I finished chewing and swallowing I continued remembering back to the stories I was told by my Guardian. "It actually started long before you were born, two members of different clans had..." I trailed off trying to find the word, "a... Forbidden relationship. Yeah, I guess that works, anyway they use to go hide away and sneak around to be together. One day the female found out she was pregnant, she told the man about it that night, but unlike how she thought he would react... He was the complete opposite of excited. He left her there in the alleyway they snuck off to... Anyway the rest that happened isn't that important, but years later when the girl grew up, motherless in her mother's clan she started becoming stronger and stronger. Her clan resented her for being part of another clan as well, so they soon banished her when she didn't obey them. She became friends with one of the other clan members, but soon lost him too, but her father started taking interest in her after that. The girl's father married someone from his clan and had a baby boy, who the girl later befriended and he found out about who she is. She trained him even, then another boy came, as the days went on she went through a lot of pain and saw many deaths, including that of her father. But in his will he asked only one thing of her."

Unmasked Hearts ×××Kakashi LS Book 2×××Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ