Chapter 24

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The next day I was relaxing in the hot springs ignoring the giggling of the other females as they gossips when one female came over the water swishing and splashing a bit as she made her way over. She was semi-tanned, with a pinkish tone to her skin, her eyes were a bright green quite striking really and her hair was this dark pink styled into a short bob. Her bangs cover one eye so I could only see her left eye, her eyebrows had two scars to give her a badass vibe. "Hey, you're that girl hanging out with Kakashi," she said, she seemed furious about something. I sighed sinking deeper into the water so that just my eyes were hovering over the warm liquid hiding my body just a bit. "HEY! I'm talking to you!" Her voice raised as she stepped closer and stood up so the water came to her waist, her stomach right in my face. I blinked and glanced up before standing up straight too, I was an inch shorter than her not like it would've made a difference. "Who are you anyway?" I asked finally speaking to her, the rest of the springs got real quiet as they faced us. I can somewhat remember these girls as they were in the younger classes of the academy back in the day. Wow, I feel really old. "My name is Yuriko Tanaka." blinking in surprise my eyes never left her, she's one of the many girls I had hated in the academy. The one who always teased me, bullied me when no one was looking, one of the many fangirls that tried getting Kakashi to see them and she was the one to threaten me just for being Kakashi's teammate.

My wide eyes narrowed, but not at her as I sensed a presence. "That pervy old sage," I grumbled to myself finally grabbing the wisp of chakra that faintly spiralled in the air. I stepped out of the water surprising the other girls, Yuriko took this time to mock me. "What to chicken to face me?" She slyly tried to say, but after pulling a warm towel around myself I looked over my shoulder at her. "I'm not scared, just not want to be spied on by a pervy sleaze," I said and that sent the girls in a chaotic panicked state. "NO, THE LADIES!" I heard from behind a wall as everyone jumped around screaming as they struggled to get dressed. "MASTER JIRIAYA!" I yelled using chakra to punch through the wall and grab his collar. "H...Hira, what a coinciding," Master Jiraiya stutters trying to play it off cooly.

My jaw clenched and fist raised about to punch him. "Hira-sensei?" I heard the voice of my blonde student say in shock, I turned to him giving him a small yet sweet smile. "Oh, hi Naruto, I do hope you weren't peaking as well as Master Jiraiya," I said a bit threatening as Naruto jumped back shaking his head so quickly as his hands waved in surrender. "No, no, no, I was training with..." he looked down and I saw Ebisu flat on the floor. I sighed before going back to glaring at my pervy teacher. He gulped, "Lucky for you, I won't pummel you into the floor in front of my student... well this time only." I said slowly letting go of his shirt.

Ebisu seemed to wake up after a while, "Oh, hey Ebisu, glad to see you're awake." I said giving him a small smile as I was quite close to him so I moved back. He stood up shaking his head then looked over at me, his movements stopped as his mouth fell open and he was flung away in the air yelling as a sting of blood followed. "Great, he's knocked out again, some trainer he is," Naruto said giving him a slight kick, I giggled at the boy. "Sorry Naruto, forgot he's a very weak perv." I apologised squeamishly before going back inside. Hearing the yelling of Naruto and the pervy sage I quickened my paste to dress faster from behind what was left of the wall.

"That was so cool! I don't care if he's a dirty old man, he's the real deal!" I heard Naruto yell just as I made my way out from the bathhouse. I giggled at him, drawing his attention, "What?!" He asked, "Oh, nothing, just that you're spot on. Maybe if you keep pestering him he'll help you train, he's really good at it."Naruto looked at me for a while before it seems as if something clicked, "Wait you called him, Master Jiraiya, so is he the..." he trailed off but I finished his sentence for him, "... the guy I was talking to you about last night? Yes, he is the one and only Jiraiya, the legendary toad sage and my master." I said smiling at him before walking towards him as he was in the way of the exit. I patted his head and smiled down at him before leaving to visit Hinata.

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