Chapter 13

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After a week of recovery, Kakashi was back to full swing. Just in time as I was summoned back to the village.

"You sure you can handle things here?" she asked hovering over her bag with her last bit of things, that just so happens to be her toiletries, as she watched the now crutchless shinobi leaning against the door frame calmly looking at her. After their masked kiss, they had felt surprisingly more at ease with one another, as comfortable as a warm blanket. As if the kiss was an ointment that relieved a tense muscle.

"Are you doubting my abilities?" he teased, but she wasn't amused so she narrowed her eyes slightly, "You know what I mean." she simply just as the very problems walked into the room. They stopped seeing their female sensei packing up her things. "Hira-sensei, why are packing up your things?" Naruto asked before stomping to Kakashi, "Did he do something?!" he yelled pointing up at his other sensei. Hira stopped her actions and looked up at Naruto before blinking a few times and finally burst out laughing when she saw Kakashi's unamused face.

"N... No, Naruto." she waved at him dismissing his thoughts as she was laughing. "Hira was summoned by the Hokage," Kakashi explained for the now giggling her looking at her annoyed.

When she finally caught herself, she finished packing and sighing as her arm rested on her traveling bag. "Yeah, Kakashi didn't do anything, but he's right. Lord Third sent a messager bird to inform me he needs me back at Konoha. I don't know how long I'll be there, but probably as long as the rest of your mission." Naruto whined, groaning something about he wanted to be on an important mission to. Hira giggled as she walked up to him and rested a hand on his shoulder crouching down to eye-level with the blonde. "Naruto all missions are important, no matter if their big or small. It matters to the person your doing it for," she said before straightening up and walking to her bag, she slung it over her shoulders and gave the team a smile, eyes raking over them before catching one onyx eye. She gave him a quick nod before heading out of the house saying ger farewells to the family who had them stay at their house.

As she made her way back she caught a boat out to the mainland, not wanting to waste her chakra on walking over the mass of water.

Hira's PoV:

My mind kept wandering around as things ran through my head, as my feet walked on their own on the dirt road. My mind tuning out of reality as something very interesting popped into my head...

The Kiss

My hand went to my lips, even with the masked blocking our lips from actually touching, I still felt a buzz and a million different emotions coursing through me. It's mind-boggling at the tenderness of the kiss, my first kiss.


My mind yelled over the overjoyed beating of my heart, a literal war between brain and heart.

I blinked getting back into my surroundings cursing at myself for zoning out like that still in enemy territory. I started to rack my brain for something else to keep my thoughts company and an image of that scroll popped into my head. My hand softly touched the strap on my shoulder. I had to wait until I get to the village to be able to release them.

My hand slipped down intertwined itself with my other over my chest to comfort my subconscious of the thoughts sprouting out.

"I need to hurry up before I go insane." I mumbled releasing my arms to my side to help get momentum to jump up into the trees so my travels would be faster and not so emotionally challenging.

By the time I reached the gates of Konoha the sun was just a little way of setting, I jumped down to the ground and started my way directly to the Hokage's office. I didn't have many people that like me ever since... Rin's death. The fear and hatred were clear in most eyes, but some held sympathy or would just be blank stares.

I don't blame them I had gone through alk those emotions and even more when I would look into the mirror, even now I would battle with the nightmares looming deep in mind. I felt relieved when I saw the building just a few strides away from me, so I forced my feet to move forward and up the stairs to the wooden door I would always come back to. If it were for missions or just to find some wisdom in this cruel world, it doesn't matter. She gave a swift knock, before entering after an entrance call.

"Ah, Hira." The Hokage said standing up, I stopped at the door looking at the other man in the room. A man I was trying to avoid.

"The Lotus Flower has returned." the bowl-cut hair man said, Hira sighed eyes softening with just a hint of annoyance in her eyes.

"Hello to you too Gai," she muttered trying to find the energy to deal with this over-energized male she hadn't really seen since she got back, but she made sure to avoid him if she saw him in the streets. The Third cleared bis throat as he saw how uncomfortable I started getting as Gai kept wiggling his eyebrows at me with a weird smile.

He stopped and looked up at the Hokage finally giving me a chance to breathe. Don't get me wrong, Gai is an amazing person and friend, but sometimes he becomes too much especially if Kakashi is around.

"So Hira I had summoned you for the purpose of looking after Guy's team for this upcoming week or so until the Chunin exams." he said confusing me even more, both my brows furrowed as I looked at the very wise man. "Um, sir if you don't mind me asking... Why me? I was miles away with my team, why pick me instead of the many other Jounin?" I asked the Hokage didn't answer just walked to the window ever so dramatically watching the village from the clear view before turning back to me.

"Because, I trust you will be able to handle the Hyuga prodigy, Neji Hyuga." I sighed, remembering the small encounter I had with him when I went to the dreadful compound to defend Hinata. "And he specifically requested your guidance." Gai added looking over at me giving me that bright smile of his with the sparkle that emphasized it. "What would the prodigy want with lil-old me?" I asked massaging my temples.

"Well, you'll have to find out. You start tomorrow." the Hokage said dismissing me with a wave. I purged my lips together stopping myself from talking back, I was a bit ticked off that I had to abandon my team for some brat that had requested me as their teacher. I scoffed at the thought making my way to my apartment. I would rather have Kurenai' s squad with sweet little Hinata than that arrogant boy. Even if I just had a glimpse of him, I knew he's just like the rest of Hyuga's...

A pain in the arse, well with the exception of Hinata. Speaking of which, she wasn't home yet meaning she's out training s there was no note of her out on a mission. I walked to my room dropping my bag to the floor then turning and leaving, I wasn't in the mood for cooking and so I decided to go pick up Hinata for some ramen.

I walked along the road and straight towards their preferred training field that was a little bit further into the woods than ours.

"Hinata, come on!" I heard a boy yell and yipping of a dog soon after. A mumble was heard as I reached the field. "Hey you guys." I greeted, I was well acquainted with the team as the would sometimes drop Hinata off in the afternoon when training finished and I would invite them in for lunch.

The three turned to me, "Hey, Hira-sensei!" they all chores, except Hinata that just called me Hira. "Is your training done for the day?" I asked as the three nodded, "Yeah were about done." Kiba said, he seemed to be the second in command after Kurenai. Shinso just nodded in agreement and Hira blushed and fumbled with her fingers. "So you guys in for some ramen, my treat... As long as you don't eat my wallet clean like Naruto." I said and the group perked up. They all filed in a line beside me as we walked to the very famous Ramen shop.

"So, Hira-sensei, why are you back before the rest of your team?" Kiba asked and the other two looked over at me expectingly like they were wondering the same thing. "Oh well, I was summoned back to babysit another squad whilst their Jounin had something come up." I answered simply as we finally entered the sacred place and my stomach responded to the delicious aroma.

I forgot that I didn't eat breakfast and only had an apple on the way here, I'm surprised the hunger just sunk in but that's the magic of Ichiraku Ramen.

We joked around as we ate and luckily they stopped at their second bowl, not like I can say that about the Uzumaki who would always eat half of all the food in the place.


*A/N- short chapter sorry, it's just a bit of a filler for fun.

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