Chapter 30

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The moment I used the seal, I found myself taking action seeing a figure looming over my younger brother's far off body as he stared in horror at the space before him. I grabbed the man's shoulder and pulled him so against the wall to hold him in a choke hold tightly my hands squeezed as my anger started turning into rage. My eyes glanced over Sasuke analysing him to see that he physically only had a few minor injuries and a broken wrist, but what frightened me was seeing the terror of his dazed eyes. Genjutsu.

My Mangekou Sharingun blazing eyes snapped to the flowery bloom eyes before me making my stance falter a bit as my eyes saddened upon putting a name to the attacker's face. "Itachi." I whispered under my breath as our semi-identical eyes locked gazes my heart clenched with many emotions I had hope to never feel again. His eyes were covered with this emotionless barrier, but unlike many, my eyes could spot the emotions swirling behind the walls he put up. "Oh, my dear sister." He stoically said, my stomach dropped but I held myself together to show the others I won't fall.

"S...sister?" I heard Naruto stutter behind me. "We'll talk about this later, Naruto." I snapped finally pulling the last piece of my mind back. "Itachi, quite the family reunion you have here." His partner comments near Jiriaya-sensei.

"Kisame, I think we should be off now." He suddenly spoke as if nothing was happening, as if I wasn't pinning to the wall. My eyes narrowed on his as we almost had a stare off. I knew that he had to go, so he could spy for the leave, but maybe this was my chance... my chance to bring him back and convince the shinobi that he's good. Maybe now I can bring him home and avoid any unnecessary costs that might occur in the future, but that look in his eyes.

"Itachi, please... come home." I whispered only for him to hear, but I knew his answer. He swiftly pulled out a kunai and held the sharp edge to my throat. "I know you won't hurt me." I whispered as I glared up at him, he's still very much taller than me. He nodded subtly knowing I was right as his hand moved to throw the kunai at Naruto whose footsteps came running towards us and he knew what I would do. I rushed to him seeing him hault as the kunai flew to him. Somehow everything seemed so slow, I felt my feet moving yet, it didn't look like I even moved at all. The kunai was going to head him dead straight in between his eyes and Naruto could only stop to stare and Jiriaya-sensei was forming his hand signs for that toad stomach jutsu of his. As I took my steps, my mind kept trying to push my limbs to move faster, but it didn't work, but as I took my next step it didn't touch the ground until I was in front of Naruto. The kunai ended up hitting me instead, but in the stomach as the aim was Naruto's head, which was lower than mine.... obviously. A bit of blood trailed down my mouth, but not a lot and I couldn't even feel the pain... I guess adrenaline does help dulling pain that follows after injury. So in my mind I wasn't just stabbed by a kunai in a quite fatal area, no... in my mind I just took a small knick and started to run after my brother and his comrade. My footing was a bit wobbly, but my vision was clear and stuck on their moving figures as they disappeared around a corner.

I turned down that hall expecting them to be there, but there was a hole in the toad stomach wall with black flames surrounding it, "Amaterasu, reaply Itachi?"I mumbled out of breath as I finally fept the pain surging through my lower region. I doubled over a bit as I clutched my stomach. "What happened?" Naruto asked as he came around the corner after Jiriaya-sensei. "They got away." The blonde continues surprised as Sensei walked over to me. He knelt down to check on me. "Are you okay?"he asked, I nodded as I glanced at the opening seeing an orange blob near the black flames. "What is this? Some sort of black flames?" Naruto asked as he reached out to touch that. My reaction was stupid, I reached out and was ready to leap to stop him as I yelled, "Don't touch that!" Jiriaya-sensei had to help stabilise me again to sit back as he walked to Naruto. They were talking as I just leaned against the wall trying not to get stuck in it as well when my mind went back to Sasuke.

A bit trembling my mind kept pushing me to get up. I almost went tumbling forward as Naruto ran and caught me. "Thanks Naruto." I kindly said as a small smile formed on my face. He nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Actually it's you that should be thanked... ya know... for saving me from that kunai." He nervously mumbled as he glanced to the kunai still stuck in my stomach. Painfully I couldn't help but chuckle, "Well your my student Naruto and my responsibility." I explained as I shook his hair with my hand before using it to push off and limp down the hall to Sasuke that was still stuck in the wall.

He slowly started to be released from the toad's stomach wall and luckily Naruto helped me catch him before he fell too far. Master Jiriaya had realesed his jutsu and returned the wooden walls. "Hira, I need to speak with you, in private." My sensei calmly stated as he walked back to the hole in the wall hall to which I followed. "Yes, Master Jiriaya?" I spoke smiling to hide the pain and leaning against the opposite wall he stood by. He had that serious look on his face as he stared at the  floor.

"That Jutsu he used... you know what it is, don't you?" He asked, well more like said, I nodded curtly as we heard footsteps coming towards us, but by the chakra we knew it was Naruto. He was supporting Sasuke, but set him down so his back rested against the wall I was leaning against. I could see the fear in Naruto's eyes at the state Sasuke was in and it truly pained me to see him like this, but the worry stopped as a kunai came flying pass and  hit the wall on the wall near the corner. Soon a green and orange figure came flying through the air and kicking Master Jiriaya in the face knocking him to the floor with a nose bleed.

We got him some tissue to block his nose and he just stood glaring at the embarrassed Guy. "Huh, I guess I got a littlw bit over enthusiastic, you see was hurrying and could see very clearly using my headband at the opening. I could only see three sinister figures so I..."he trailed off as we knew what he meant. I couldn't help but laugh drawing Guy's attention to me. "Hira?" He exclaimed surprised, but I was laughing to much even with the pain so I could only give him a small wave.

"You know if this is your way of saying that you're sorry, then it stinks." Master Jiriaya grumbled and Guy nervously started to sweat. "I'm sorry, but it was just a simple misunderstanding."

"Simple minded is more like it, but nevermind that now. We got to het Sasuke and Hira to the Medical-core at once." I waved them off. "I'm fine, I'm still standing." The three males just looked at me with that annoyed looks, I rolled my eyes. As Master Jiriaya explained to Guy what was wrong with Sasuke I felt someone tug on my hand that limply just hanged by my side as the other wrapped around my stomach to stop the bleeding. "Hira-sensei, can I speak with you?" Narut9 asked not giving me time to answer as he pulled me away.

"About what that Itachi guy said... he called you his sister..." I could tell Naruto was struggling to find his words, so I laid my free hand on his shoulder to calm him from his probably overwhelming thoughts and emotions. I didn't speak, giving him time to finish what he wanted to ask. "I just want to know if Sasuke knows..." he finally asked trailing off at the end a bit, I nodded a few times processing what he asked as I glanced at the ceiling before looking down at him. "No, Sasuke doesn't know and it's good that he doesn't, because surely he hates his sister." Naruto opened his m9uth to speak but I shook my head telling him not to. "Sasuke is my little brother and I can't bare the burden of him hating me, he already told me how he felt about me before he even knew..." I spoke, but obviously that wasn't enough for Naruto. "But he has he right to know, how do you know he won't be happy to know that you are here for him... maybe... just maybe he would stop with his path of revenge." Naruto spoke, his words did hit me hard and almost had me emotionally broken, but I held my barrier. "I'm sorry Naruto, but..." he cuts me short, "No! Don't apologise for what I know you will do, because you know deep down... it's the right choice." he spoke so wisely for such a young age, he has a bright spirit just like you Obito and Minato-sensei. A bit of tears built up as I looked at the small boy before me.

"Promise me, you will tell him as soon as you can." He spoke his voice a bit forceful as his eyes held this seriousness, I smiled and nodded. "I promise Naruto." He grinned satisfied as he launched at me with a hug. "And now, what is this for?" I asked with some happiness in my tone. "I'm just so glad you're here, Hira-sensei." I chuckled as I rubbed his back with my free hand. "I'm glad about that too." I mumbled as a small surge of pain erupted again.

"Well, I'm sorry to break up this touching moment, but we should be heading off to the Medical-core." Guy spoke as he stood with Sasuke in his arms. I nodded a bit painfully as we walked off to the village. I could hear my sensei and student yelling at one another as we left.

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