False Hope.

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Based of - 2x14
Words - 2021
Warnings - almost dying, mentions of being blown up.

Based of - 2x14Words - 2021Warnings - almost dying, mentions of being blown up

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Everything was weak. It felt as if you had nothing left. No energy, no hope, nothing. You were in the middle of the desert awaiting your death. Because, despite was Jaha said, that was what was really your fate. You had already lost so many. The chances of you actually finding this City of Light were slim. In short, you were holding out any hope in actually getting there. Maybe you were holding out hope that Jaha would come to his senses and turn around so we could all live. Then again, that man was never one to change this mind.

The night had dragged out, only getting warm from the body next to you. Though, it was better than what the others had to endure. They all sat alone. In was only you and Murphy would had to advantage of another. However, the boy knew once the sun came back up and sand slowed, it'd be back to how it usually was. You didn't need him anymore. And, his small rush of feel comforted and safe would be gone.

He had been right. The moment the light crossed over your eyes, your brought your head out from his shoulder as you looked to how your surroundings had changed over night. He had done the same, not surprised when the footprints from Zane and the other man had disappeared. Thus, they had no way to determined where the mines where and where they were not.

Murphy stood up first, hand going to pull you up with. Both of your eyes on the floor bellow you as you became reminded of the dangerous that crowded around you. "We have the light and, oh, look, footprints are gone. Sand : it blows." That hadn't been something you needed to work out considering you had just being sitting in the middle of it.

Jaha hadn't seemed to be bother. The man's thoughts were somewhere totally different. He was trying to work out how they were going to get past this, but instead, he was thinking about what was waiting for them past this. "Do you see that?" He questions, ignoring the problems Murphy had just brought up.

You follow his gaze up over the hill. There was light. It was bright and glimmering, promising. The City of Light. Maybe you weren't as far as you had thought. Maybe it really was right in front of you. Only now, there were thousands of steps to take, all with land mines bellow them. "The City of Light." You mumble. Though words low, it had attracted the attention of the boy next to you. He glanced over you, meeting the way your eyes found hope again. You were close. You were close to peace. It was exciting to know such things. And he saw that in you. He saw that excitement in you. The same excitement that clouded your body when you took your first steps on Earth.

"We are so close." Jaha attempts to motivate. No matter how close it may look, take a glance down back at the floor and you were reminded of how much longer you actually had to go. Land mines sadly don't just disappear over night.

Your eyes fell as you looked back down to the man set in front of you. "Yet so far." You comment as if telling the man of the dangers set bellow you. One wrong step and boom, you were dead.

𝑭𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔 // 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝑴𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒚.Where stories live. Discover now