Missing Jewellery.

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Based of - 2x03
Words - 1736
Warnings - Guns, lil bit of violence, mentions of torture.

Based of - 2x03Words - 1736Warnings - Guns, lil bit of violence, mentions of torture

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The light had grown brighter as you walked through the woods. Finn stood in front, ready for his eyes to catch Clarke at any moment. They had yet to do so as all he could see were trees that fell above him. Bellamy held his gun close, thinking a Grounder could come out of hiding any minute. Both Sterling and Monroe copied the man they followed as they took a tight grip on their weapons. Then, at the back, you walked with Murphy. Not that you had wanted to. Bellamy had ordered you to take the back, knowing that if anything came up behind the group, you'd be able to deal with it. However, that also meant you got the job of babysitting Murphy.

His hands were still tied together as he walked. They had began to rub only a few hours into the trek, he wouldn't have been surprised if blood began to fall from his writs. Though, by the looks of you and Bellamy, they weren't coming off. Instead, he used his energy in speaking. "So," He begins, lightly as he yet again tried to spark a conversation with you. "Your mum? I thought you said she was dead." You had swallowed at his words, scared he might bring up the time the two of you shared while hunting. But he didn't.

When he didn't, your face fell back into a scowl. "We're all going to be dead if we don't keep moving." You warn him as the two of you had since fallen behind because of Murphy's question. Not that he had cared.

Though, Finn had taken notice and he did care. He needed to find Clarke. So, when you stopped, he turned around to look and your's and Murphy's conversastion. Murphy's wrists came up to your eyes sight, the boy going on to complain. "I'm going to die if you don't let me out of these first." He states as his hands move against the rope to show how tight they had become.

You didn't show him an ounce of sympathy. Instead, you just flashed him a cheeky smile and got ready to continue your walk. Though, Finn was tired of Murphy's complaining and did what no one thought was right. He brushed past you and let his knife break the binds from Murphy's hands. Finn had tried to ignore your stares as he did what he did.

Murphy just glanced up at you and your down disappeared smile. A smug smile fell back onto his lips, something he hadn't done for awhile. "Thank you." He comments to Finn. You had once trusted Finn with his decisions and how he knew right from wrong. But now, you weren't so sure. It was obvious to everybody his search for Clarke was beginning to frustrate him. Though, only when he went as far as letting Murphy free, did you realise how bad it was. "What?" Murphy questions as he watches the way your eyes led up to Finn. "I don't plan on killing anyone." He smirks which had only made you hate him even more in that moment.

The boy hadn't been able to realise that until your eyes were brought back up to him. Scoffing, you didn't believe his words. "Yeah, well, sorry if we don't trust you. You don't have the best track record." You spat at him before running back up to Finn and Bellamy.

The two boys had already been having the conversastion about where Finn had found the excuse to let Murphy free. "Finn, what the hell?" You snap, something Bellamy had already started to ask.

𝑭𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔 // 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝑴𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒚.Where stories live. Discover now