Blushed Cheeks.

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Based of - 1x10 (kind of)
Words - 778
Warnings - kinda awkward. 

A/n - I know this is super short, it's just a little filler chapter that I didn't want to put on the end of the last part. 

Coming back into Camp, you held nothing but a few edible plants and nuts

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Coming back into Camp, you held nothing but a few edible plants and nuts. It was better than nothing or so you told yourself. After what had happened in the woods, you hadn't said a word to Murphy. You weren't sure what you were suppose to say. You didn't mean to break in front of him. It certainly hadn't been one of your highest of points.

The two of you were quick to split from another as you went in search for Raven. Though, after looking in her tent and in the Dropship, you realised that she wasn't in camp. In fact, hardly any of your friends were. No Finn, Raven, Clarke, Bellamy or Monty. You assumed they must've gone out for a reason. But still, you went to find Jasper for answers.

Spotting the boy sat near the fire, you made your way over. He had been speaking with Harper until your sat down. He smiles as he looks to you. "Hey, Y/n." He greets. Unlike you, he sounded a lot more happy. Even without Monty being here.

"Where is everyone?" You ask. "Raven, Clarke-" You begin to list which had made something click in his head.

He points over past the wall before beginning his explanation. "They're out looking for Clarke and Finn. They never came back from hunting." He explains which hadn't been the most  assuring. Clarke, the only doctor you had down here, was gone. As was the only decent tracker. So in sort, if Bellamy didn't find them, you were screwed. 

Nodding, you get up from the log. "Right, I'll erm..-" You start to ramble off before leaving Jasper to continue his conversation with Harper.

You weren't sure what you were meant to do now. It wasn't as if you could do anything to help. Maybe you could pray that everyone would come back alive but that was about it. Other than that, you were just going to have to wait it out. Although, before you went to enter your own tent for the night, you turn to another tent : Murphy's. This was the part where you lost any ounce of pride you had left.

Sighing, you shake your head and make your way to the tent. Unlike on the Ark, you weren't able to knock on a door to signal you were coming in. So, when you walked right in, Murphy was stood there, shirtless. Your eyes widen slightly, being unexpected. Though, Murphy doesn't move an inch. He only turns to look at you.

When you don't speak, his eyebrow raises. "Can I help you?" He finally asks.

You make sure to draw your eyes to his. "Erm, it's just.." God, what were you doing? It wasn't like this was your first time seeing a boy shirtless. Taking a breath, you continue. "Earlier, in the woods, you didn't tell anybody about what happened, did you?" You asked him.

A small smirk covers his lips as he listens to you stumble over your words before you were finally able to gather yourself. "Was I suppose to?" Smug prick, you thought.

You throw a weak smile his way, hoping it'll convince him otherwise. "I'd much rather you not." You tell him.

His smirk doesn't move. Again, not much of a surprised to you. "Your secrets safe with me." A small sigh of relief comes from your lips as you were never sure what Murphy was about to do next. Hopefully, you could trust him. You wouldn't want the whole Camp knowing you ended up crying in Murphy's arms. Then again, you doubt they'd believe him anyway.

You were about to turn around to leave until your body stopped, looking back to Murphy. You were hesitant at first but still say, "Thank you, Murphy." He sends you a genuine smile before watching you leave his tent.

Although, the smile never washes from his lips. It was rare anyone ever thanked him for anything. Especially, on the Ground. It had meant more to him that small conversation than it ever would to you. He knew it was nothing more than you trying to be polite, but to him it was someone who actually thought he deserved it. He knew that he probably didn't but that still hadn't stopped you. That was the reason his smile never left.

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