Motherly Love.

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Based of - 2x10
Words - 1584
Warnings - mentions of death, fighting.

A/n - I'm planning on getting season 2 done by Christmas and the coming back with book 2 (season 3 and 4) in the new year. :)

It was your mother

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It was your mother. Of all people, it had been your mother's plan. She had reached out to Gustus, she had got the poison and she had framed Raven. She was the reason why Raven hated you right now. She was the reason the alliance almost ended. She was the reason everyone's lives were in danger. She was the real killer.

Your mind was running with these thought. You didn't know why she did it. But you knew when thing: You were filled with nothing but rage. She had done this without thinking. Without thinking about what the consequences were. The same way she didn't think when trying to steal things on the Ark.

When you spotted the woman, she stood by her post. She almost didn't have a care in the world. The only thing covering her mind being that her daughter had turned all grounder since coming back from Tondc. But apart from that, she was fine. She was fine while it felt like everything around you was falling apart.

Just like she had, you didn't think. You just did. Your hands came crashing at her. "What the hell were you thinking! People almost died, someone did die because of you!" Your screams only attracting the many people that surrounded outside the Ark.

Your mothers brows only knitted as she tried to steady her daughter. "Y/n? What are you doing on about?" She questions, her tone softening. You hated that she acting as if nothing had happened. As if she hadn't put everyone's life as risk, hell even yours if it came down to it. If you had protected Raven, stepped in, there was a chance Lexa would kill you along with her.

Your body fell as the tears brimmed in your eyes. She had done this. As much as you didn't want to believe it, she was the reason for all of this. "It was you. You gave Gustus the poison." You remind her as your voice comes out so defeated. No one else had heard your words, being too far away from them to.

Though, it had strike instant worry into your mother. How did you know? She never wanted you know. Especially went she learnt it had gone south and that you had become one of them. "I have no idea what your talking about." She excuses as her eyes go in search of her way out of this situation. If she was able to notify a co-worker they'd take you away with the things you were saying.

"Why'd you do it?" You ask, voice still so monotone. Your mother didn't answer you. Her mind was still looking for a way out of this. She didn't want to tell you why she did it. You'd never look at her the same. You'd never look at your own mother the same.

Her arms fall from your shoulders, eyes moving back down to you. "I had to. I didn't know what you'd think about me being on the Ground now." You were happy. You thought that was obvious.

Although, you knew your mother well. She had always been paranoid. It had been a result of the amount of alcohol she consumed after the death of your father. That paranoia making her do things that weren't needed. This was one of them things. But, still, you were unsure of her motive.

"With what happened, you going into the Skybox for something I did, I thought that maybe you'd want revenge or at least a fair result." She pauses, swallowing before finally pushing out the statement that had made her do such a horrible thing. "I thought you were going to tell the council that it was me who had actually been the one to steal it." She wanted to stop you. No, she wanted to kill you. Your own mother wanted you dead to save herself.

She should've died long ago back on the Ark. She should've died in your fathers place. But she didn't. She let him get floated instead of her. She had done the exact same thing when you were sent to the Skybox. The woman still didn't believe she was safe. She couldn't be if you were still here. So, she did what she thought she had to. She set out a plan with a grounder that would ensure both the end of the alliance and the death of you. Though, that hadn't been how it had ended.

The tears that had since begun to brim in your eyes fell. They fell and they kept coming. "You are not my mother." You spat. Something you knew would hurt enough to feel what you felt in that exact moment. After saying so, your arms fell back to her body, hitting her with any chance you had gotten.

However, it hadn't been long until arms of the guard were pulling you back. "Let me go!" You scream at them as you try to break free from their grip and continue this lovely conversastion you had been having with your mother.

"Take her to the stockade." Your mother order, watching as your face at her words. She would lock you up. Her own daughter, she would lock her up. Then again, it definitely hadn't been her first time.

Two guards escorted your through the hallways to where they locked up prisoners before deciding what to do with them. Hopefully they'd come to their senses and realise this wasn't going to change anything. You would still hate your mother. And, once they let you out, you were still going to be angry with her. Putting you in handcuff's and leaving you there would do nothing.

They practically threw you into the room before then leaving to tend to their other duties. And, just like that, you were left alone with your thoughts. Them thought mainly consisting of how massively your life had just turned. Your mother, the person who was suppose to care for you the most, had tried to kill you. And she did it for nothing but selfishness. You were never speak out. If you wanted to do so, you would've a long time ago. But you didn't. Because, unlike her, you protected her. You risked your life for her.

It had only been a few hours. No one had said anything. No one had come in to check on you. Nothing at all. You had been just stuck this room, alone. You had assumed that would be how the rest of your day had gone until Indra came storming through the doors.

Sighing, you stop your pacing to face her. "Indra, thank god. Please tell me you're here to let me go." You plead of her. But she wasn't, sadly. She had been here to speak to you on someone else's request.

That someone else had only been reveled as another body came through the door : Jaha. Again, somebody you would like to punch. Guess your mother had been added to that list after finding out this new information. "What the hell do you want, Jaha-" You began to snap before his hand raises, telling you be quiet.

"I knew you wouldn't let be see you. That's why I brought Indra." He explained as the woman in front of you nodded. "I have persuaded your mother to let you go. That is on one condition." He speaks.

However, you had listened to none of it. You didn't have to listen to him. Not anymore. Technically, the only person you had to listen to now was Lexa. "I don't follow your rules anymore, skai raunon." (Sky person) You spat back at him.

Jaha only lets out a small nose laugh. He didn't think you had much of a choice while wearing handcuffs that locked you to this place. He lightly gestured for Indra to leave, the woman doing so as she attended back to her warriors. "Right now, i'm the person who is going to let you walk free. All you have to do is follow me to the City of Light." Follow Jaha to this city of light he spoke so highly about? As if you would ever. You'd rather rot in this cell Skaikru were trapping you.

You let a cold-hearted chuckle leave your lips, shaking your head. "That's not really letting me walk free then, is it?" You counter acted.

Arguing had become something you were good at. Even if you were arguing on letting yourself be freed with isolation. "Maybe. But it sure sounds like a lot better than staying in a place where you are fighting with your family." When your voice become quiet, Jaha knows he's git a nerve. And, hopefully, that nerve would be the thing that would prompt you to leave with him. "We leave tomorrow, at drawn. We'll be meeting by the Dropship." He informs you before leaving you.

At least you were free for now. You knew the moment you didn't follow Jaha, Sky People would put you straight back in here. That was if Indra didn't find a way to save you from so. But, while being in the Ark, she didn't have much of say. You were under their rule now. That would only change if you did help try and find this stupid City of Light Jaha spoke of. Maybe, by some miracle, it was true. And maybe you would find it. Then you'd finally have found your peace.

𝑭𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔 // 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝑴𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒚.Where stories live. Discover now